Fact Sheet: Email Marketing & Mailshots

email marketing

If you have SQLWorks linked to your email account, SQLWorks can be used for email marketing and mailshots, bulk sending emails with custom designs.

Accessed within SQLWorks CRM, users can create a new email campaign by making a new mailshot project, and create multiple mass emails within a campaign.

Right clicking in the main list and selecting ‘New Mailshot’ will open a new email creation window, where users can give the mailshot a unique name, choose an email from address, subject line, and ‘drag-and-drop’ in attachments.

The list of intended recipients can be chosen from the ‘Client Lists’ dropdown, selecting from one of your custom client lists, which you can build from your saved SQLWorks CRM contacts.

For the design of an email, you can choose from a wide range of tools from within the formatting pallet on the right of the main email editing window – get creative with different fonts and text sizes, colours, bulletpoints and alignment, insert images, tables and more!

You can format elements by highlighting them and clicking the format buttons, and confine the margins of your email by setting these measurements in the ‘Document’ tab.

For tidy formatting, we recommend creating a borderless table in which to align all the elements of your email marketing email – to ensure any custom designs are displayed consistently in the inboxes of recipients.

SQLWorks database tags can be input into the main email body so that each email contains mail merged custom data from elsewhere in your contact directory. This can be used for targeting with ‘informal’ detail (e.g.: a first name – ‘Dear John’) and a “fall-through” function which pulls in substitute data as a ‘formal’ backup (e.g.: surnames – ‘Dear Mr Smith’) where the main data is unavailable. These functions can be customised by our SQLWorks team, to email your contacts using any piece of data from your SQLWorks CRM, Accounts or Stock Control data.

SQLWorks allows you to preview each version of a mailmerged email to check for errors by clicking the ‘Prev’ / ‘Next’ buttons, and ensure each email is correctly personalised. Using the spellcheck function, and undo/redo buttons, email marketeers can also avoid any errors being broadcast to a wide audience.

If you wish to remove all formatting, and send your email as a ‘plain text’ email to improve chances of deliverability, simply tick the ‘Send as Plain Text’ checkbox at the top of the Mailshot window. Using the ‘Show Plain Text’ checkbox, you can also check how this email is likely to be seen by email inbox previews.

Deploying these tools, you can field imaginative, targeted and ongoing email campaigns, linking all the intelligence of your SQLWorks data together with your marketing.


For expert CRM tools, contact us about SQLWorks today:

Fact Sheet: Client Lists

Client Lists

SQLWorks CRM allows for easy creation and maintenance of a list of specific companies, which can be used for email mailshots, segmented letters and other targeted communication.

Client Lists can be found under the CRM section in the main SQLWorks Navbar (1), and opens a window with a list management menu (2) and a client list panel (3).

To create a new custom list from the companies in your main Companies List, click the ‘New’ button in the top toolbar, this opens the new client list window (4) which allows you to set options for the list you’re about to create, including assigning it to a user, creating a list from companies or contacts (or both) and choosing from pre-saved options from your ‘Quick Select’ menu.

The ‘Locked List?’ checkbox allows the list creator to toggle control of the new list, locking the list to being changed by anyone but the administrator.

For generating email lists, three additional email option checkboxes provide a useful shortcuts to automatically exclude any company or contact without an email, exclude duplicated email addresses to avoid double-sending, and hide anyone saved with an email ‘opt-out’ against their name within SQLWorks.

You can build your list using any of three methods, selecting from checkbox categories saved in your Companies List, choosing options from your Quick Select menu such as companies with ‘Recent Phone Logs’, or building a custom query using the standard SQLWorks Custom Search tool. This final option gives you complete control over your new list – adding lines using the (+) and (-) buttons to add or remove qualifying companies that match a series of terms.

SQLWorks can handle both fixed and dynamic lists: by clicking ‘Enable Smartlist’ under the ‘Live Search’ Tab your list will constantly update as new data becomes available, re-fulfilling your saved search terms to remain current. Leaving Smartlist turned off will keep your list as it was when you first created it.

Two further tabs labelled ‘Always Included’ and ‘Never Included’ allow you to set overriding exception rules for who appears on your list. Moving a company or individual from left to right, onto the ‘Always Included’ category ensures this company or category will always remain on the list.

Moving a company or individual from left to right onto the ‘Never Included’ list ensures this company or contact will be never be a part of this list. If a company or contact appears on both lists, so that the two exceptions conflict, the ‘Never Included’ list takes priority.

Clicking ‘Save & Close’ will save under your SQLWorks User ID the results of your list – which can be exported to an excel spreadsheet for use in external applications by clicking the ‘Export’ button at the top of Client Lists window.

Back in your SQLWorks Companies List, your saved client lists can also be used from either Quick Select dropdown or the ‘Client Lists’ tab to filter your overall database.

SQLWorks Client Lists give you the power to create precise and complex lists from your larger company database for highly targeted marketing and other customer management.


For more information of SQLWorks CRM tools, click here.