Advanced Manufacturing Analytics

  • Part change audit history
  • Production planning reporting
  • Export/Import data changes
  • Detailed stock quote, order and invoice history
  • Fully integrated SQLWorks accounts


manufacturing analytics


Advanced manufacturing analytics provide easy access to vital operational insights – within live system data, using data export or via powerful reporting options. Extensive in-built reports across a wide range of stock control and manufacturing functions are included as standard, with numerous data filtering/display/printing options, and the scope to add new reports or custom search queries.

A full audit log provides ease of access to all history of previous part changes, including detailed records of user edits before/after, the relevant IP address and extensive documentation of exactly dated changes. Retained logs keep track of all amendments to the cost and sale pricing for each part, as well as tracked flexibility of changes to the SKU code – without destroying the individual part history.

Tabulated data – such as pricing, pricing rules and part codes – can be extracted into spreadsheet formats, edited and then imported back in to mirror stock bulk pricing changes. This functionality is extremely important for volume-trading businesses with products that are regularly changed by their suppliers – to bulk update new pricing smoothly.

Considerable data review is possible without export – modern SQL database technology allows users to cross-reference data (such as stock information measured against quoting, ordering or invoicing) against different variables, or from different perspectives, for different job roles.

Integrated Production Planning Reporting helps analyse the quantity of manufacturing that goes through individual work centres, and helps Production Managers scope to masterplan resource availability, types of work, and employee skills to organise manufacturing capacity more effectively – helping inform staffing decisions, shift patterns or to identify production bottlenecks within your organisation.

Complete integration of stock and manufacturing operations with SQLWorks accounts allows users to reference financial data alongside stock information, encouraging more informed business decision-making.

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