Powerful Stock Item and Group Categorisation
Detailed Stock Usage History
Live Stock Reporting & Valuation
Choice of stock valuation methods
Bulk Inventory Updating
Advanced Accounting Integration
Manage your inventory in smart and efficient new ways with an extensive toolkit of stock management features. Categorise and group stock items via any number of independent criteria, organise pricing & discounting rules, manage naming and always maintain accurate stock quantities. SQLWorks Stock saves your entire stock control history – logging all data changes, price adjustments and stock movement over time to build a completely traceable audit history. Manage stock manually, or use the activity in your integrated Sales and Purchase ledgers to fill in the details.
Your inventory helps guide your business automatically, defaulting to preferred suppliers, warning of low-levels, utilising barcoding and part documentation within the same database, prepare future pricing, and optionally updating stock costings either from new purchasing, manually or via bulk import.
Stock reporting and filtering options are extensive – export stock levels, sales and purchasing histories, product lists, order details, production schedules, stock valuations and more to PDF, .CSV or native Excel (.xlsx) files at the touch of a button. A choice of inventory costing methods allow a business to set a default valuation method for their particular type of stock, allowing for on-costs of imported goods, fungible materials, labour costs, foreign currency fluctuations and price variations between every unique batch.
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