Powerful Works Ordering & Production Tracking
Generate from Sales Orders, manually or via MRP
Issue, Pick, Build or Disassemble to Stock
Optional Backflushing
Inspection & Quality Testing
Optional Batch Specification
Engineering Documents
Professional Works Orders help keep your production planning coordinated, and maintains your business’s key value-added profit margin.
New production orders can be created manually, injected with sales-team data from specific customer order detail, or generated intelligently from an MRP run. Each Works Order can automatically understands component stock availability, generate pick sheets, carry BOM documentation / instructions and more, to add a wealth of essential detail.
Your active Works Orders can be monitorewd globally to manage workloads and production planning, assigned with production routes that track progress, machine use, work type, setup costs, labour, and are covered by highly-filterable production schedule reporting.
Allocate stock traditionally, or via backflushing for more challenging materials – or even use batch selection for specific items to ensure exact batch-level traceability for specific components. Inspection standards, Batch Quality Certification or custom QA testing can all be used to maintain the high quality of your finished goods.
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