Did you know? Multiple Windows

Although SQLWorks is designed to avoid the need for multiple windows, sometimes this trick to open additional windows can be very useful.

To open an extra SQLWorks window, simply ‘Shift-click’ by holding shift at the same time as clicking on a chosen SQLWorks menu item.

This works with every Navbar section, tab and subsection of SQLWorks – and is useful for when you need to be able to refer to two (or more) unconnected sections of SQLWorks at once. 

For example, whilst you’re busy working on a customer’s quote, the phone rings with a call from a different customer who wishes to book a meeting. Simply ‘shift-click’ the SQLWorks Calendar to open a separate diary window for you to work with.

Each of the windows behaves independently, and can be used, moved, resized or closed as normal. The only exception to this rule is that multiple copies of the same window will not synchronise any edits you make between copies.

This handy trick guarantees that you can work in different parts of SQLWorks simultaneously however you need.

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SQLWorks Windows 10 and Mac OS X compliant

cross platform

SQLWorks version 6 has been confirmed as both Microsoft Windows 10 and Apple Mac OS X El Capitan compliant.

First developed in 1988, Lineal’s cross platform flagship business management software for Accounting, CRM, Stock Control (and more) has been updated many times over the last three decades to add a wealth of new features and stay at the cutting edge of business requirements.

In order to be declared compliant for both Microsoft and Apple’s rival operating systems, the software must match the functionality of both, and has undergone three months of live testing at Lineal on both systems.

“Here at Lineal we’re delighted that SQLWorks has been declared to be Windows 10 and OS X El Capitan compliant.” Software Development Manager, Will Adkin explained: “SQLWorks undergoes constant development to match our clients’ needs, and we will be expanding to new platforms in the near future.”

“We’re currently developing the free upgrade to the next version for all customers, which will now be 64-bit compliant for stronger performance, and introduce new features.”


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