Recent Updates and Bug Fixes
This page details SQLWorks software version updates, faults identified and bugs fixed.
Last Updated: 08.02.2024
January 2024
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.108.002 | Finance | Audit | When selecting a sub set of data to export for the selected year, saving FULL data now saves the coorect data to Excel. |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Ledger | Added the ability to amend the exchange rate on an SCL and PTY record |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Prevented entry of QA tests for non-stocked during PO goods in |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Order | Added company name to CO batch selection window |
10.108.002 | Stock | Misc | Added option to print valuation by batch |
10.108.002 | CRM | Client Lists | Added double click option to add contacts to each client list |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Order | Cannot change order line status if the order line is on a dispatch note, the dispatch note must be deleted first |
10.108.002 | CRM | Mailshots/Letters | If mailshot has been sent, then the list of attachments cannot be changed. It is locked. |
10.108.002 | CRM | Client Lists | Client lists can import a list of email addresses to search existing contacts and match them for Client Lists that use ‘Always Included’ lists. |
10.108.002 | CRM | Leads | In addition to Save & Close, there is now another Save button, allowing leads to be saved without closing the Lead Edit window. |
10.108.002 | CRM | Projects | Added buttons to add mailshots to Email Projects. Helps with GUI for users. |
10.108.002 | CRM | Projects | Mailshot setup now uses the Email Server List to send emails from. You cannot change the From Name & Address per email blast, but you can override the REPLY email address. Make sure any oAuth2 tokens have been setup prior to sending emails if the account is configured to use oAuth2, eg, O365 accounts. |
10.108.002 | System | Query Builder | In the Query Builder window, the Toolbar buttons are now enabled/greyed out when not in use, e.g. Save & Cancel buttons |
10.108.002 | Manufacturing | QA Testing | New option to restrict QA tests to only appear on during certain processes such as PO goods in, Works Order build or customer returns |
10.108.002 | System | Pref & Function Objects | Row limit of 1,000,000 rows added to excel file import process |
10.108.002 | Stock | Ledger | Added a writedown percentage to reduce stock valuation after X months of inactivity for each stock item. There is a second percentage for a longer period, giving you two reducing stock values for old unused stock. The value starst at 0, rising to 100% if all value is wriiten down. |
10.108.002 | System | Query Builder | Calculated columns can now be used in the filter and sort criteria for the query builder. |
10.108.002 | System | Groups/Security | Server Window now shows list of conencted users, with logon time and IP. |
10.108.002 | System | Misc | Added ‘Broadcast Message’ options to Server Window. Still only for current main db, not extra DBs. |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Added search function to find specific words in detail line descriptions. Good for invoices with more than 30 lines, that need linking to other transactions, e.g., Contracts, Cust orders etc. |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Added search function to find specific words in detail line descriptions. Good for P Orders with more than 30 lines, that need linking to other transactions, e.g., Contracts, Cust orders etc. |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Misc | If you open the Side Window to show extra data when entering transactions, the original size is now set when you close the transaction window. before, the transaction window was left very wide and empty. |
10.115.001 | Finance | Dashboard/Day Book | Calendar date picker now works correctly in the DayBook screen. Selecting any date, will load transactions just for that day automatically, and still uses the filter set. |
10.115.001 | System | Misc | The Server Admin window can now show connected users in the monitored list of databases per each database, not just the main one. |
10.115.001 | Finance | Dashboard/Day Book | DayBook now defaults to Insert Date when you open the window for the first time. |
10.115.001 | Stock | Batches, Movements & Qty | Allocation qty will not include allocated stock that has already been dispatched via dispatch note system |
10.115.001 | Stock | Batches, Movements & Qty | Added an option to issue a movement out against any batch via a right click menu |
10.115.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added CRM options to the cashbook ledger to attach documents etc to individual items |
10.115.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added the option to attach documents on a new cashbook record, either against every new record added or onto individual ones. |
December 2023
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.108.002 | CRM | Emails | If no security is set for an email server, it will be added a list for that user to send emails from. |
10.108.002 | CRM | Emails | If an email server is set to use oAuth2, then the token file must be present, otherwise the email server will be removed from the list, and might stop the sending of emails. |
10.108.002 | Stock | Batches, Movements & Qty | Stock search can now search for stock moverments by nominal journal code |
10.108.002 | Stock | Batches, Movements & Qty | Stock search by batch ID now works correctly |
10.108.002 | Manufacturing | QA Testing | Fixed an issue where the user was unable to add fixed value tests to the template as the field would not appear to specify the value |
10.108.002 | System | Printing/Exporting V2 | Toolbar buttons on Preview window can now show reduced set, or the full set of tools, and allows the user to toggle. The setting is not permanent note. |
10.108.002 | CRM | Emails | Save & Send button in Email window is now on the right end of the toolbar as standard position dictates. |
10.108.002 | CRM | Touchpoints | Fixed the get info option for the touchpoints tab in companies |
10.108.002 | CRM | Contacts | The access level radio button on the contacts tab now cannot be interacted with as this is only a view of the record. |
10.108.002 | CRM | File Store | Analysis fields for existing documents can no longer be edited in view mode |
10.108.002 | Stock | Transactions | Fixed a number of right click options that were not working correctly |
10.108.002 | Stock | Batches, Movements & Qty | Fixed a number of right click options that were not working correctly, and amended them to be clearer |
10.108.002 | CRM | Addresses | Copying to clipboard will now correctly copy the whole list on the company address tab |
10.108.002 | CRM | Companies | Removed an unused checkbox next to the agency info signed date on the company window |
10.108.002 | CRM | File Store | Adjusted the prompts when restoring a document to ensure the headings were correct |
10.108.002 | CRM | Emails | Fixed an issue where the email window would not open if the email server did not require oAuth2 |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | Can now see on hold orders from the dispatch planner in seperate list |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | Removed unused fields when allocating credit notes to outstanding invoices. |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | The Purchase ledger Audit number is now shown as the first column of the outstanding invoices to be paid/allocated screen |
10.108.002 | CRM | Leads | When converting a new Lead client to the Sales Ledger, the email address is now copied into the Sales Ledger space. |
10.108.002 | System | Backups | Demo system can now attach the database to the support ticket email. |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | Added more Yes/No prompts to Creditors Batch Payment process. Pressing the SAVE button will PROCESS these requests, not simply save for later. |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Misc | CRM tab is now loaded per transaction typr, e.g., Quotes, Order & Transactions, in SL & PL. |
10.108.002 | CRM | Emails | The Demonstration version is restricted to 2 email attachments per transaction, and a file size of 50kb. |
November 2023
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.108.002 | System | Misc | Added a SUBJECT box for clients to send a support ticket to SQLWorks Support system. Look under Main Menu for ‘Send Support Ticket Info’ option. |
10.108.002 | Finance | Ledger | Nominal balances vs bank account balances now shown correctly. |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Ledger | Nominal balances vs petty cash account balances now shown correctly. |
October 2023
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.107.001 | System | Navbar & Menus | Updated Tooltip on Hide/Show Navbar menu green triangle. |
10.107.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Aged debt analysis display in the Sales Ledger Dashboard can now be shown by Month from Inv Date, or by DAYS over due from each invoice issued terms. |
10.107.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Aged credit analysis display in the Purchase Ledger Dashboard can now be shown by Month from Inv Date, or by DAYS over due from each invoice issued terms. |
10.107.001 | Accounts | Order | Dispatch note system will work with allocated stock allowing allocation items to be selected if found instead of entering dispatch qty per line |
10.107.001 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | Courier information added to the order will be copied to each order line as standard if not using disptach note system. If using dispatch note system dispatch note information will be copied to the order line |
10.108.002 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Uninvoiced PL Orders now included with unreceived orders when loading open orders by default |
September 2023
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.104.001 | Stock | Ledger | Added list of supplier Distribution Centres (DC) for each supplier, stock code (SKU), Purchase order and Purchase Invoice. |
10.104.001 | Accounts | Ledger | if the unit we are selling is the same as the unit used for weight (i.e. Kg) Then we have just sold goods by weight, therefore use this more accurate qty as our nett order weight |
10.104.001 | Accounts | Ledger | if the alt unit we are selling is ‘Cases’ We will use that to automatically set the number of packaging cases |
10.104.001 | Accounts | Misc | Added courier column to dispatch planner |
10.104.001 | Accounts | Misc | Added courier filter to dispatch planner – use to restrict orders to only those that match this in their courier name |
10.104.001 | Accounts | Misc | Added “Is disputed” flag and notes to PL payments and SL receipts |
10.104.001 | Accounts | Misc | PL and SL transactions report can be run for disputed items only |
10.104.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Added a disputed items quick filter to the SL quick filter menu |
10.104.001 | Finance | Dashboard/Day Book | Amounts were incorrect on the debtor and creditor tabs. these give a breakdown by nominal code and use the amounts on the detail lines. This total did not take into account the quantity, the unit price per, or the transaction type (credit notes should be recorded as negative.) |
10.104.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added a new filter option for accounts with invoices due within 7 days |
10.104.001 | Stock | Misc | In the SL and PL when saving any transaction a warning message has been added to say if any of the items are inactive or not allowed in that ledger. PL/SL Admins can override, otherwse the message will say to ask an admin user to process this order. |
10.104.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Ensured that a PO cannot be edited if there are allocations against it |
10.104.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Can now edit the works order line estimated finish date when the estimated time for the process route is 0. |
10.104.001 | Stock | Batches, Movements & Qty | Can now edit the original labour cost, materials cost, overhead cost of a batch with the amend value option. |
10.104.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Fixed a bug where orders made on the same date were not being sorted by newest created first after adding a new order |
10.107.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added tooltips to non-persistant check boxes in Allocations tab to hide/show Settlements & Variances in transaction tab |
10.107.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added a quick selection filter to show Statement Hidden items |
10.107.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Changed message for printing statements when ‘Hidden/Skipped’ items are detected to show count and explain why etc. |
10.107.001 | Finance | Ledger | Problem loading data after changing Year code in Analysis Edit screen still persists. |
10.107.001 | Accounts | Credit Control | If the amount overdue is under a Grace value, then the account will not be put on Credit Hold. |
10.107.001 | CRM | Mailshots/Letters | Added clearer working message when sending Unsent emails. |
10.107.001 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | if using the dispatch note system and progressing an order that had no dispatches we now offer to set up a new dispatch instead of stopping |
August 2023
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.102.001 | CRM | Leads | Saving quotes against leads will update the converted / assigned quote on the conversion tab |
10.102.001 | CRM | Emails | Added RM option to delete Un-Sent emails from Email Browser if user = SYS or Dev. This helps reduce the sending of test email statements etc. |
10.102.001 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | Updated Tooltip for ‘mcn_sl_proforma_delay_stock_on_inv’ to read : 0=Back to first outstanding, 1=Load only outstanding, 2=By Date range |
10.102.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Made Proforma account type searchable in Custom Find in Filter list. |
10.102.001 | CRM | Emails | Added RM option to send Un-Sent emails from Email Browser |
10.102.001 | Finance | Audit | New routine to test the validity of a supplied TB against transactional data supplied. This is in the Nominal Ledger for the selected accounts. The TB must balance to the transactional data, or there will errors stored up. Error log is saved in Docs folder/ Nominal Ledger/Audit Errors with current date & UUID. |
10.102.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Right click options added to import and export the Stock Take |
10.102.001 | System | Query Builder | Added Count Distinct aggregate option in the Group By section of the Query builder. Returns the number of distinct values in the column. |
10.102.001 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | New right click option on the Dispatch manager main list allows the user to add new lines to a dispatch note. |
10.104.001 | Finance | Dashboard/Day Book | Corrected how the balance for PL & SL Aged debt tabs in Dashboard screen. wDashBoard_yearList class. |
10.104.001 | Stock | Ledger | Batch Tab shows warehouse selection and all/active load preference |
10.104.001 | Stock | Batches, Movements & Qty | New batch tracker window can report available batches and their assignment to PO and CO records |
10.104.001 | Stock | Ledger | Batch Tab has a new right click option that can be used to reassign a batch to a different product providing it has not been allocated against |
July 2023
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.100.003 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | Added internal notes to the dispatch manager |
10.100.003 | Accounts | Order | Fixed an issue with the default CO header where it had a large grey space above the fields. |
10.100.003 | System | Backups | Added a secondary type of archive backup that instead deletes files to make space. It keeps a minimum amount and clears until under a specified space limit beyond that |
10.100.003 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | Fixed an issue where updating the dispatch date on a delivery was not setting all the relevant dates on the record |
10.100.003 | System | Employees | Fixed a bug on the employee edit window where when running checks it would check against itself and prevent saving. |
10.100.003 | CRM | Addresses | You can set the default address via right click from the address editor window (PR ADMIN only) |
10.100.003 | CRM | Companies | Error checking for blank addresses is relaxed when entering new companies – if the address is the default address we will allow it to be saved |
10.100.003 | Accounts | Ledger | Support added for CODE39 and CODE39EXT barcode types |
10.100.003 | Accounts | Reports | Can now specify date for aged debt report. The report will show aged debt report as it would have looked on that date. |
10.100.003 | Accounts | Reports | Can now specify date for aged credit report. The report will show aged debt report as it would have looked on that date. |
10.100.009 | Finance | Ledger | Tooltips for boxes 1-9 updated to reflect current text from HMRC |
10.100.009 | System | Preferences | If the Sys Manager sets the email server to use oAuth2, then the prefix ‘imaps://’ will be added to the IMAP/POP server address. |
10.100.009 | Finance | Ledger | Fixed accumulative calculation fields in VAT ledger window |
10.100.009 | System | Preferences | In User Prefs window, users can DELETE existing oAuth2 security tokens before making new ones. The user can also view the folder location where these files are stored, so they can tidy the folder if required. |
10.100.009 | Stock | Stock Take | Variance report has a new option to consolidate stock takes before printing. |
10.100.009 | Stock | Stock Take | Sub audits can now be added to existing stock takes from the load stock take window. |
10.100.009 | Stock | Stock Take | Variance and book columns are now hidden for sub audits. |
10.100.009 | Stock | Stock Take | Print sheets can now filter by supplier, stock group, stock code. |
10.100.009 | Stock | Stock Take | New search bar has been added to the stock take window. |
10.100.009 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | If we are set to auto allocate manufactured stock we now check that the batches we’ll invoice are the batches we built. Allow user option to cancel at this point |
10.102.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed a bug that was preventing users from entering -1 as a credit limit (-1 = Never on hold) |
June 2023
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.096.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Fixed a graphical error where clicking on a different line would scroll the list. |
10.096.001 | Accounts | Reports | Changes made to sales monthly summary report to allow results to be filtered by stock group. |
10.096.001 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | Order lines which have been fully delivered are now hidden on the new dispatch prompt. |
10.096.001 | CRM | Contacts | Fixed a bug where new contacts would not save when new copy is used. |
10.098.001 | Finance | Misc | Import TB nominal can be used to auto create journals to match an external year end position provided by a file |
10.098.001 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | A button has been added to the dispatch manager to view an attached photo if one has been added |
10.098.001 | Finance | Misc | If we print a Trial Balance for an older year and limit it to show values for year to date, ‘Close’ label will read as “Close as of June <Year>” |
10.098.001 | Stock | Ledger | Minor redesign of advanced stock ordering tab to all edit / view of all unit description values on the same tab |
10.098.001 | Stock | Ledger | New design for info tab to show alternate qty and unit comparison with examples |
10.098.001 | CRM | File Store | New toolbar command allows Documents to be opened from metadata edit window |
10.098.001 | CRM | File Store | Bug fix to correct issue where the wrong document was being launched via a right click option from the transaction window |
10.098.001 | CRM | File Store | When documents are added from a transaction window they will appear in the transaction document list |
10.098.001 | Stock | Ledger | Unit desc values in costing tab are now display only, use the unit box in the info tab to adjust unit of where you can also set multiplier values and see examples |
10.099.001 | Stock | Ledger | When changing stocked unit description you will be prompted to automatically update all matching unit descriptions |
10.099.001 | Stock | Ledger | You can now manually amend the alternate qty on a batch independently of the original qty |
10.099.001 | Stock | Ledger | Bug fixes relating to batch qty when receiving stock |
10.099.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Batch tab shows estimated balance for alternate qty per batch |
10.099.001 | CRM | Emails | Inline jpeg images will now be saved when dragging emails into SQLworks. |
10.099.001 | System | Sign In | Fixed a bug. When Users update there password on sign in, the minimum character limit did not apply. |
10.099.001 | System | Sign In | When updating passwords, users will now need upper case, lowercase numeric and special characters. |
10.099.001 | System | Sign In | When updating passwords users will not be allowed to use any of their previous 5 passwords. |
10.100.003 | Stock | Ledger | Lookup to “Origin Country” added to advanced tab |
May 2023
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.093.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed reload of HO invoice address when using the RED CROSS button. |
10.093.001 | System | Pref & Function Objects | When exporting to an Excel file we set the formatting correctly for time and date time columns |
10.093.001 | System | Pref & Function Objects | When exporting to an Excel file we now correctly format numeric values with more than 2 decimal places |
10.093.001 | System | Pref & Function Objects | When exporting to an Excel file we adjust the width of the column depending on the numeric values at different decimal places |
10.093.001 | CRM | File Store | New “save attachment” button when viewing email will let you move the selected attachment to the doc store rather than the entire email |
10.093.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Added a warning message when trying to save a contra payment without selecting the PL account |
10.093.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Contra payments can be entered with negative values to transfer money from PL account to SL account |
10.093.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Batches created from works orders now use actual costs rather than expected cost. |
10.093.001 | Accounts | Reports | Sales turnover report by month report will now show the financial year when printing previous years. |
10.093.001 | CRM | Emails | Changes made to make Emails sent from SQLWorks compatible with ios devices. |
10.093.001 | CRM | Emails | When pasting email addresses in the email window, there are now checks to remove invalid characters. |
10.093.001 | CRM | Emails | New default email address for dispatch notes on sales accounts. |
10.093.001 | Finance | Ledger | You are no longer able to perform a bank transfer between banks with different currencies – this must be done manually using individual records in the SCL |
10.093.001 | Stock | Transactions & History | Alternative qty can be set per product, this will allow capture of a secondary unit of qty, such as no of cartons or pallets |
10.093.001 | Stock | Transactions & History | Alternative qty multiplier can be used to calc a value for the other qty that was entered to speed up data entry, if no multiplier is entered each qty must be entered independently |
10.093.001 | Stock | Transactions & History | Batch tab redesigned, shows alternate qty if required, hides if not |
10.096.001 | CRM | Leads | A quote can be created for an inactive a sales ledger account if it is created as via a sales lead |
10.096.001 | CRM | Leads | A quote cannot be created for a closed sales lead – the lead must be opened first |
10.096.001 | CRM | Leads | When closing a lead we prompt to also close the connected quotes that exist for it |
10.096.001 | CRM | Reports | Adjusted columns on Lead Success Report to make it clearer |
10.096.001 | CRM | Emails | If set in user prefs, the email tab will now show subfolders for mailboxes. |
10.096.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed a bug which prevented users from changing payment terms on invoices. |
10.096.001 | CRM | Misc | Speed improvements made when loading the crm tab for accounts with a high level of activity and history. |
10.096.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | New lookup field allows users to choose which order line to connect the works order to if there are multiple lines for the same product. |
10.096.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Can now add new lines to unprinted invoices and credit notes. |
10.096.001 | CRM | File Store | Added delete option for document analysis types |
10.096.001 | CRM | Emails | Corrected bug that prevent ‘cc’ option from applying when auto adding email address in HTML email window |
April 2023
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.091.001 | Stock | Batch management | Adjusting stock quantity from the batch tab will now adjust the order received quantity if the batch came from a purchase order. |
10.091.001 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed an issue where the sorting of columns in the quote tab was not working |
10.091.001 | System | Backups | Backups of additional databases will now correctly set the last backup date, preventing the missing backup prompt from being mistakenly given. |
10.091.001 | Accounts | Quote | When repricing a quote upon duplicating, the cost will now also be repriced |
10.091.001 | Accounts | Order | When repricing an order upon duplicating, the cost will now also be repriced |
10.091.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | When repricing an invoice upon duplicating, the cost will now also be repriced |
10.091.001 | Accounts | Ledger | When making a new sales account, the correct default nominal code will now be used. |
10.091.001 | CRM | File Store | A shared folder can be used to store/access files rather than the internal DB |
10.091.001 | CRM | File Store | When launching documents that do not exist a utility will run to assist in finding the missing file (eg when a file is moved or renamed outside of SQLWorks) |
10.091.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Adding Debtor from Company now defaults Invoice Name as company name |
10.091.001 | System | Gui4 | Added export options to assist with setting security levels, list of groups & users are saved. |
10.091.001 | System | Misc | Server loginWin and Server message window are now displayed side by side, and not on top of each other. |
10.091.001 | CRM | File Store | Support for user level override to the shared doc store root folder path |
10.091.001 | CRM | File Store | Ability to delete a file from shared folder is now optional – set in CRM preferences |
10.091.001 | CRM | File Store | “Metadata” replaced with “Info” in context menu commands relating to file management |
10.091.001 | CRM | File Store | If the file is stored in a shared document folder you can open the file location via right click in the stock documents tab |
10.091.001 | CRM | Emails | Clearer messaging and improved error detection when authorising o365 email accounts |
10.093.001 | CRM | Tasks | Tasks can be generated from email when dragging directly from a saved mailbox |
10.093.001 | CRM | Tasks | If task investigation is enabled category will default to ‘Investigation’ when dropping multiple emails, if dropping just one it will prompt to manual selection |
10.093.001 | CRM | Tasks | Task id is copied to clipboard when saving task that are assigned to you |
10.093.001 | Accounts | Order | Fixed a bug preventing new orders from opening. |
10.093.001 | CRM | File Store | Fixed redraw bug in documents list |
10.093.001 | CRM | File Store | Fixed file source display field in new file window |
10.093.001 | System | Printing/Exporting | Fixed sorting of Export fields window selection to put in correct alphabetical order |
10.093.001 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | New Dispatch Manager window added to the Products section. |
10.093.001 | Finance | Ledger | Corrections to the way that records are stamped to a VAT qtr after submitting MTD requests |
10.093.001 | CRM | File Store | Added a test doc store root path button to CRM prefs |
10.093.001 | CRM | File Store | Doc store matching utility expanded to include matches on files within 2kb of file size and to discard matches that are only on file extension |
10.093.001 | CRM | File Store | Validate doc store utility will now support checking within the archive DB as well as external DB |
10.093.001 | CRM | File Store | You can now set a maximum file size for document storage |
10.093.001 | CRM | File Store | If unspecified the maximum file size for document storage is set to 100MB |
10.093.001 | CRM | Leads | Added checkbox (yes/no) to show subtotals by user on the existing report |
10.093.001 | Accounts | Ledger | When toggling active accounts in the prompts provide clearer indication of wheat is happening and options are removed where they are redundant to make it clearer |
10.093.001 | Accounts | Ledger | When toggling active accounts in the prompts provide clearer indication of wheat is happening and options are removed where they are redundant to make it clearer |
10.093.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed a display issue when dragging email onto a PO from CRM tab |
10.093.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed bug where it was duplicating mailboxes when reloading them in the email tab of companies/projects/etc |
10.093.001 | CRM | Emails | Subfolders will now correctly be shown in the email tab if the user has set them to in their preferences |
10.093.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Allocate option will show as disabled when opening context menu for an invoices |
10.093.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Allocate option will show as disabled when opening context menu for an invoices |
March 2023
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.084.005 | Stock | Misc | Bug fixes within the advance batch system |
10.084.005 | Stock | Ledger | Maximum cost value is set to be 9.9 Million (i.e. 7 digit number with up to 8 dp) |
10.084.005 | CRM | Leads | Lead conversion value must now be between 0 – 100 |
10.084.005 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Works order component take stock process will now generate advance batches if the feature is enabled |
10.084.005 | Stock | Order Allocation | Additional checks when sending allocations to pick |
10.084.005 | CRM | Leads | New lead success report added |
10.084.005 | Accounts | Misc | Restrictions added to prevent costs being added that are equal or higher than 10,000,000 |
10.084.005 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | Restrictions added to prevent incorrect pref values being used for number of qty and cost decimal places |
10.084.005 | System | Misc | Server Working message resized. Fields now expand when you resize the window to show more data. Good for backup info. |
10.084.005 | CRM | Preferences | In CRM Prefs existing paths are now used explicitly for file browser defaults, new paths added to support filestore doc storage from a SharePoint |
10.084.005 | Accounts | Reports | Unprinted invoice report now has the option to preview (Maximum of 20 invoices) or send all invoices to pdf. |
10.084.005 | System | Timers | SQLWorks will now attempt to reconnect periodically if it has lost its connection. |
10.084.005 | Finance | Ledger | Minor changes to messaging and alerts |
10.084.005 | CRM | File Store | Redesign of file import window |
10.084.005 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed a bug stopping multi line orders from progressing to invoice when lot numbers are required. |
10.084.005 | System | Misc | Fixed a bug in the custom search window where is empty and is not empty criteria would prompt an error. |
10.084.005 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | When adding lines to an old works order past the due date, the user would receive a warning message. This will now only show for new works orders. |
10.084.005 | CRM | Mailshots/Letters | Bug fixes to letter management system |
10.084.005 | CRM | Emails | Fixed an incorrect label for unlinking emails on the email tab of companies/projects/etc |
10.084.005 | CRM | Emails | Changed email tab to reload the data after unlinking an email to show the changes |
10.084.005 | Finance | Journals | Adjusted sales prepayments system to more flexibly handle the nominal journalling it makes |
10.084.005 | System | Preferences | Adjusted SQLWorks Prefs backup path fields to only prompt about checking them when they are modified, and the checks are relevant |
10.084.005 | System | Preferences | Adjusted SQLWorks Prefs backup tab view folder buttons to use the data entered into the window rather than the cached data from before it was edited. |
10.084.005 | CRM | Emails | Added new options for email templates for inserting the current user’s details into them |
10.084.005 | CRM | Emails | O365 authorisation checks added before authorisation attempt allowing us to report in SQLWorks rather than showing error messages in the browser |
10.084.005 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | New preference added to decide if you want to block the stock movement when a proforma invoice is saved or not |
10.084.005 | CRM | Emails | Emails can be now dragged into lists on tabs (from external mailbox) to assign them to financial transactions |
10.084.005 | CRM | Emails | Emails can be dragged (from external mailbox) and tagged against stock items |
10.091.00 | System | Users/Userprefs | Added user level report menu options for Company, Debtors, Creditors, Stock, Projects & Nominal/Analysis/Dept windows |
10.091.00 | System | Misc | Allowed Lineal RT users to close MainWindow |
10.091.001 | System | Navbar & Menus | Nav bar logo now stays at same size, with background infill. 52 x 190. |
10.091.001 | System | Logs (server, error etc) | Tidied up Server log window, reduced space and removed wrong menus. |
10.091.001 | Finance | Ledger | Added quick bank transfer for items in Unreconciled list if you posted to wrong bank account. The Audit number is maintained for T Account. |
10.091.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added 3 types of price setting for each account. RRP, Trade or Wholesale. |
February 2023
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.084.005 | System | Navbar & Menus | Added colour coding for Navbar when running multi company mode. |
10.084.005 | CRM | Tasks | Task list will only show mailboxes if the user has set up their details correctly |
10.084.005 | System | Backups | Archive backups no longer try to unlock folder permissions if it does not need to, as this was holding up the backup process |
10.084.005 | System | Users/Userprefs | Fixed an error that would occur when editing user prefs if the accounts package was not loaded. |
10.084.005 | System | Update | Fixed an error that was preventing the update process from working correctly on windows. |
10.084.005 | System | Misc | Adjusted the windows unzip process to place the unzipped file beside the zip folder instead of creating a new folder to place it in |
10.084.005 | CRM | Emails | Added Move Email into selected MailBox function |
10.084.005 | CRM | Emails | You can create new mailboxes when using the Email Tab Window |
10.084.005 | CRM | Emails | You can move emails to other mailboxes in order to do filing |
10.084.005 | Accounts | Misc | Bug fix when redrawing tabs in SL and PL |
10.084.005 | System | Misc | You can now cancel the process during a global search |
10.084.005 | Stock | Batch management | Can now amend batch quantities on batches |
10.084.005 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed bug when invoicing individual allocated batches. |
10.084.005 | CRM | Emails | Email signatures are added to defaul email text if specified |
10.084.005 | Stock | Ledger | Stock costs now support up to 8dp |
10.084.005 | Accounts | Ledger | PO Amounts now support up to 8dp |
10.084.005 | Finance | Journals | When loading multiple Audit records, selecting a singel record will now seelct all of the other lines with the same Audit number, with a sub total. |
10.084.005 | System | Pref & Function Objects | Import process no longer requires internal key column and can operate with the unique code column instead (for supported tables) |
10.084.005 | Stock | Ledger | The order of supplier preference for a stock item can be changed via a “swap” menu and no longer needs to be manually rekeyed |
10.084.005 | CRM | Addresses | Default address now loads correctly without having to tab back and forth |
10.084.005 | CRM | Emails | Fixed a bug where forwarding an email with multiple attachments would only send one attachment. |
10.084.005 | CRM | Emails | Fixed a bug which stopped the test email send button from working. |
January 2023
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.082.001 | Stock | Batch management | Advance batches are treated as negative within the stock valuation process to reflect a negative stock value |
10.082.001 | CRM | Tasks | Cancelling at the task category selection prompt will not progress the window to the next page |
10.082.001 | CRM | Tasks | If tasks are not set to send email to clients, email notification dialog will not be shown |
10.082.001 | Finance | Ledger | Added option for simple banking screen to allow making of bank deposits only, no expense exposure. |
10.082.001 | CRM | Tasks | Task side bar will show summary when collapses and will remember open or close state between sessions |
10.082.001 | CRM | Tasks | “My open tasks”, “All Open Tasks” & “Load 7 Days” will use the correct date parameters |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | The limit for Write Off underpayments is now set in the Refs Lookup tables. Add one called ‘Slhdr’ and ‘write off’ set to 2dp, and is SysPref type. Otherwise, the value of 1 is used. |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Reload Account details in receipting window after Credit Notes have been added elsewhere, and current values not lost. |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Redesign of bank & VAT tab to allow for up to 10 different payment type options |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Redesign of bank & VAT tab to allow for up to 10 different payment type options |
10.082.001 | CRM | Tasks | Contacts can be added to a company from the tasks window |
10.082.001 | CRM | Tasks | Task statistics report has additional parameter allowing you to include or exclude future and long term tasks |
10.082.001 | CRM | Tasks | Updated the layout of task reminder email to report on unprioritised and top priority tasks |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Fixed a bug when searching for an account with a specified invoice. Account would not load correctly. |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Admin users can now ignore larger underpayments |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Actions can be logged when Admin users ignore larger underpayments |
10.082.001 | Stock | Dispatch Planner | When searching for orders based on estimated dispatch date we now always load orders with dispatches regardless of when they are due. |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | fixed a bug which would prevent moving orders to invoice. |
10.082.001 | Finance | Ledger | Exchange rate will only show for foreign transactions when loading GL transactions for Bank Accounts |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | Added check for UK / Sterling for VAT/GST/TA code format in Accounts prefs window |
10.082.001 | CRM | Diary | Corrected error on reading holiday allowance per employee. Added 1/2 day calculation of >4 hours, less than 8 hours duration. Added Allowance button single user data. |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Error message removed when trying to allocate zero value from a credit to an invoice in allocation window |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | Added options to override the nominal, analysis and department nominal code combination when creating a sundry invoice for an in transit consolidation |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Cmnd+L (mac) Ctrl+L (windows) keyboard shortcut will now correctly reload the current SL account |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Cmnd+L (mac) Ctrl+L (windows) keyboard shortcut will now correctly reload the current PL account |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | Bug fixes to Nominal entry when adding sundry items to an in transit consolidation |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Misc | ForX item in the nav bar is renamed to “Currencies” |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | You are now able to add credit notes to be included in on cost element calculations for in transit consolidations |
10.082.001 | System | Preferences | Corrections to the “backup in progress” warning when running over VPN |
10.082.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Fixed a bug which would appear when creating a works order for a duplicated product . |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Speed improvements made to save process for receipts window for VPN users. |
10.082.001 | System | Update | Improved the performance of updating SQLWorks. Added update via internet, so now two methods available. |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Speed improvements to SL orders tab |
10.082.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | Resolved an issue with an error message when reporting lack of stock available for completion transfer |
10.082.001 | Stock | Stock movements & Qty | Resolved an issue that did not correctly generate an advance batch while stock existed in the transfer bin location |
10.082.001 | System | Misc | Message alerting users with older builds before 31840 to ask for new installers. |
10.084.005 | Finance | Ledger | Updated labels on VAT100 report |
10.084.005 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Refunds (i.e. negative receipts) will not be shown in the credit list on the receipt window |
10.084.005 | CRM | Tasks | Added deployment note functionality to tasks to associate individual breakdown of things done on a task and allow it to be easily kept track of. |
10.084.005 | System | Preferences | Updated tooltips in the backup tab of SQLWorks Prefs to improve clarity on what each option does |
10.084.005 | Stock | Reports | Updated the Supplier List stock report to allow filtering by an earliest date and by specific suppliers |
December 2022
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.079.001 | Stock | Batch management | Additional list columns and minor design changes made to batches tab |
10.079.001 | Stock | Batch management | Double clicking a GRN/PL Delivery record from the batches tab will now open the delivery window rather than the PO window |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Bug fixes when using Head Office invoicing system |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Order | Added second column for config options in import window to allow more space for options. |
10.079.001 | Stock | Ledger | Added a stock quick filter for to show items that have advance batches (if pref is enabled) |
10.079.001 | Stock | Ledger | Fixed stock valuation to remove qty of active advance batches |
10.079.001 | CRM | Companies | Added an option to duplicate a company via right clicking in the list. Connected addresses, contacts, sales and purchase accounts can be copies with it. |
10.079.001 | Stock | Ledger | Fixed a bug where it would incorrectly prompt that a code was already used when saving a duplicated stock item |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Ledger | New tab added to debt history shows turnover by month with 3 year comparison |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Ledger | New tab added to credit history shows turnover by month with 3 year comparison |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | New print Barcodes button added to purchase delivery window. |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Order | More space added to order import window to allow for more config options. |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Stock sales tab will load current year by default |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Stock sales tab will load current year by default |
10.079.001 | Stock | Ledger | History tab will load current year by default |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | Prompt for duty invoice will cancel correctly if needed |
10.079.001 | CRM | Emails | Last shown attachment is now cleared when changing company code. Before, the attachment last viewed was sticking on the screen. |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | Imported consolidations will not import with status = delivered, if delivered the status will be ‘complete’ |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Ledger | When in VPN mode, the debtor’s address was not loaded. This was a performance issue, but there was no way of then loading the address if you wanted to see it. Usual RED cross button added to load address in VPN mode added. |
10.079.001 | CRM | Mailshots/Letters | Fixed an issue where dragging and dropping a file into attachments for mailshots would not work. |
10.079.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Fixed a bug where users would be able to complete a works order before stock had been taken for some of the lines. |
10.082.001 | Stock | Reports | Added supplier list report |
10.082.001 | Stock | Misc | In Transit quick filter option added. Looks for stock items with active batches which are inside a transit bin. |
November 2022
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.075.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed issue where it would freeze the system if entering an email address on the email window that appeared on the connected company more than once |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | You can see a list of all SO order details linked to the PO from the PO tab, double click to edit |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Order | You can edit a PO via a double click from the linked PO list in the SO tab |
10.075.001 | Stock | Ledger | Can set an override to the quote valid date by stock item – valid days override added to advanced tab |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed a bug when trying to create a new petty transaction without an account loaded |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Credit Control | Manual credit control process will no longer treat proforma invoices as outstanding debt |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | Fixed a bug when printing pick sheets some stock items with zero stock |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed a bug where it would not let you add an item to a petty cash transaction, saying that the audit number was missing |
10.075.001 | Manufacturing | MRP | Fixed a bug that prevented the WO / PO filters from working properly after an MRP load |
10.075.001 | System | Printing/Exporting | Fixed up various visual issues with the export functionality in companies/SL/PL/Stock |
10.075.001 | System | Printing/Exporting | Adjusted when warnings are given during the import functionalities |
10.075.001 | CRM | Companies | Exporting companies will now default to the correct export subfolder |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Exporting sales accounts will now default to the correct export subfolder |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Exporting purchase accounts will now default to the correct export subfolder |
10.075.001 | Stock | Ledger | Exporting stock will now default to the correct export subfolder |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Adjusted “Hidden Line” line type to be called “Hidden Comment” and clear off all financial values when chosen |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Adjusted the message when saving an invoice with a VAT but no amount otherwise to be clearer |
10.075.001 | Manufacturing | MRP | Works order schedule list will reload when a WO is opened and built (or stock taken) |
10.075.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed an issue where the HTML versions of emails would not be shown when selecting an email in the users personal inbox |
10.075.001 | CRM | Tasks | Fixed bug preventing you from changing the task category of a task from the task list |
10.075.001 | CRM | Tasks | Added a restriction forcing recategorisation of investigation tasks once investigation is complete |
10.075.001 | CRM | Tasks | Added clear user button to provide an easy way to leave task as uninvestigated |
10.075.001 | Finance | Ledger | Fixed bug where in some cases the bank account could not be changed on a bank record |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Fixed a bug where it would not set the bank reconciliation status correctly when changing the payment’s connected bank account if the bank code was a letter |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Fixed a bug where it would not set the bank reconciliation status correctly when changing the payment’s connected bank account if the bank code was a letter |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Added an additional restriction where you cannot change the bank account for a payment if the bank record associated has been group with others |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Added an additional restriction where you cannot change the bank account for a payment if the bank record associated has been group with others |
10.075.001 | CRM | Addresses | Fixed a bug where sometimes the VAT exempt flag on an address would become corrupt if the record was set up from another record |
10.075.001 | CRM | Projects | Fixed an issue where some tabs on projects would not load if there were too many available by removing unused tabs |
10.075.001 | CRM | Tasks | Added drop downs to the task list to search by dates within the last 7 days, 14 days, month, 3 months, 6 months or year |
10.075.001 | CRM | Emails | Email selection box can now be used when forwarding or replying |
10.075.001 | CRM | Emails | Added warnings when attempting to send emails without a from address |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Changed invoices to allow modification of amounts if the invoice was put on as 0 value by mistake |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed a bug where replacing a line in sundry cash list would not update the bank details for all lines. |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed a bug where some fields which turn red could still be modified. |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed a bug where the save and new button would not clear the list from the previous entry. |
10.079.001 | Manufacturing | QA Testing | The user can now edit the test type for the template test for each product. |
10.079.001 | CRM | Mailshots/Letters | Emails from Mailshots will be saved individually as they are created |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Whether or not a PL account will be set to prompt to print a remittance advice can now be defaulted in accounts preferences |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | When sending an order to invoice, If the order has stock allocated to it the default quantity in the invoice will be the allocated quantity. |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | When invoicing from an order with stock allocated and there is a works order for the order line. The user will not be able to invoice more than was allocated. |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Order | If an order line has stock allocated to it and the user attempts to cancel it. The allocation will first be removed then the order line will be canceled. |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | More text can now be added to the lot number field in the purchase order delivery window. |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed a bug preventing saving an invoice when sending multiple order lines with allocations to invoice. |
10.079.001 | Stock | Reports | Modified the slow moving stock report to include movements associated with works orders. |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed an issue where clicking the button to load stock use by client will freeze the system if no stock item is selected |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed a bug where the client could not be changed on a quote |
10.079.001 | Stock | Order Allocation | Fixed an issue where the due date was not being set correctly for invoices created when doing order allocation |
10.079.001 | System | Preferences | Added a test for ‘Volumes’ in path name of Update path to remain users to possibly add that prefix. MacOS only. |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed a bug preventing the user from invoicing less than the amount allocated to an order. |
10.079.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed an issue preventing petty cash transfers from the sundry cash ledger from saving. |
October 2022
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.074.001 | Accounts | Credit Control | Statements can now be set to print Weekly or Monthly per account |
10.075.001 | System | Timers | Notification history list available in system logs area of the navbar |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Bug fix to correctly remove the halted item after having re-opened it to save |
10.075.001 | System | Timers | Allowed notifications to be sent to external email addresses regardless of notification type. |
10.075.001 | System | Users/Userprefs | When setting user status to inactive we check to see if there are unsent email or notifications for that user, you have a chance to clear those records or stop the process |
10.075.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Works order lines now colour the selected line for clarity. |
10.075.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | When choosing lot number for components. If the specified lot number has insufficient stock we now give the option to split the works order into 2 lines. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Reports | Adjusted PL Transaction report to better space the labels when printing by country |
10.075.001 | System | Timers | New send message to users option, can be scheduled in the future and include external email addresses |
10.075.001 | System | Timers | Added tokenised entry field for csv name selection in notifications window |
10.075.001 | Finance | Ledger | All tabs in the bank ledger show “Deposits (Cr)” followed by “Withdrawals (Db)” for consistency |
10.075.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed synchronisation bug between token entry boxes and email address selection from list side panel |
10.075.001 | CRM | Emails | In email address selection side panel, soft radio buttons changed to check box with tick and cross to show enabled state |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | Added Northern Ireland (NI) to list of VAT/tax operating countries |
10.075.001 | CRM | Projects | Fixed a bug where it would error trying to set up the project tabs if the accounts package was not available. |
10.075.001 | CRM | Actions | Removed the restriction on whether an action is open or closed for follow ups, as an action cannot be changed between open and closed anymore |
10.075.001 | CRM | Addresses | Fixed an issue where adding a new town would not correctly save its link to a county or country. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Added a column to transaction tabs to say whether a transaction has been printed |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Added a right click option to deallocate all allocations for a transaction when using the simple transaction tab |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Added a right click option to deallocate all allocations for a transaction when using the simple transaction tab |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Added additional check to importing FM Orders that will let you know if the info contains a square bracket, as these are not allowed in SQLWorks data |
10.075.001 | CRM | Companies | Fixed a bug where it would not build the tabs for companies if the user did not have the accounts module of SQLWorks |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | When duplicating an invoice into a credit note, the user will no longer be prompted to reprice the credit note. |
10.075.001 | CRM | Companies | Added a lookup for VAT country to the new company screen |
10.075.001 | CRM | Companies | Setting the VAT country on a company to a non UK country when your own country is the UK will now set the default to exclude VAT |
10.075.001 | CRM | Tasks | If category is not selected the user remains in the task create mode selection window |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Fixed a bug where a history list error would appear when trying to save a new payment with a settlement record. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed a bug where totals would not recalculate after replacing a line. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Misc | Removed footer from list. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Misc | Save and new button added. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Misc | Fields no longer turn red and prevent the user from editing when multi panc record creation is chosen. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed an issue where adding lines to the list and then double clicking on first line would reset the vat |
10.075.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed an error where apostrophes were causing issues when trying to enter email addresses in the To, CC or BCC boxes |
10.075.001 | CRM | Tasks | Allowed task priority adjusting right click controls to be used by everyone instead of just task admins |
10.075.001 | System | Users/Userprefs | When opening user preferences a check is performed to look for any unsent email still in the outbox for that user |
0.075.001 | CRM | Emails | Sort order adjusted in email lists – unsent and draft emails will appear first, then rest in descending sent order i.e. most recent at top |
10.075.001 | CRM | Emails | Email template select will show as “empty” by default for all standard emails |
10.075.001 | CRM | Emails | Multiple documents can be selected and emailed at the same time |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | When invoicing a product with lot number required enabled, the user will be prompted to choose from a list of lot numbers when taking stock. |
10.075.001 | System | Sign In | Fixed a bug where users would get a warning message to say they can’t change another users password when logging in with an expired password. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Added checks for invoices with an invoice number of 0 when invoicing from the order allocations window. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Order | Can now email multiple orders on the same email. |
10.075.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Fixed a bug where an error message would appear when trying to build stock from a works order. |
10.075.001 | Stock | Reports | Fixed a bug on the forward planning report where the due after column would be blank. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Order | Fixed a bug where clearing a stock item on an invoice line would also clear the vat code. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | There were 2 columns on the purchase order detail list with the heading Bal. Now one is called Bal-Rec and the other is Bal-Inv. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | The calculation behind the Bal-Inv column in the purchase order detail list has changed so it no longer includes the rec cancel qty. This should prevent negative values. |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Reconcile negatives option to reconcile negative receipts has been removed and is now part of the standard ‘reconcile’ command |
10.075.001 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | Reconcile negatives option to reconcile negative payments has been removed and is now part of the standard ‘reconcile’ command |
September 2022
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.069.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | Can now edit purchase deliveries. by right clicking a delivery in the deliveries tab in the orders tab. |
10.069.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | When editing a delivery the user can now edit the delivery number by right clicking the field. |
10.069.001 | Stock | Reports | Print address labels for each stock code for Returns |
10.069.001 | Accounts | Misc | Organised & rationalised all RM menu lists for Companies, Debtors, Creditors & Stock lists |
10.069.001 | System | Printing/Exporting | Import options for stock/companies/slaccs/placcs have been restricted to their respective admins |
10.069.001 | System | Query Builder | Fixed an issue with the query builder not respecting name changes in the export |
10.069.001 | CRM | Emails | Warnings are now given when applying templates if the template contains calculations that cannot be used due to missing data. The same check is performed on send |
10.069.001 | System | Printing/Exporting | Fixed an issue with exporting to file where if the file already exists it could not be replaced |
10.069.001 | CRM | Addresses | Fixed issue where edit buttons for country etc. would not work when editing a company address. |
10.069.001 | System | Misc | Always show the DB hostname in SignIn window |
10.069.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Bug fix to reenable preview option when printing statements |
10.069.001 | Accounts | B2B | Adjusted label on dispatch date on checkout screen of B2B system |
10.069.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | If changing proForma status, you had to change another piece of data for mods to stick. Fixed. |
10.069.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | If the invoice was a Proforma, and paid, you cannot change that status when viewing the Invoice. Only change status if not Paid. |
10.069.001 | System | Gui4 | Fixed search options that don’t require inputs e.g. last 7 days. |
10.069.001 | System | Misc | During a new installation of SQLWorks, you can now customise settings by either entering values, or using Drag & Drop of pre made files. If you are upgrading, you can migrate the previous files/settings to your new version. |
10.069.001 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | Added a preference to allow negative orders in the sales ledger. Negative orders will not be able to be progressed to invoice |
10.069.001 | CRM | Misc | Added RM option to set SENT flag for selected notifications. |
10.069.001 | CRM | Misc | Added RM option to set SEND unsent notifications. |
10.072.001 | System | Misc | Fixed issue where spell check was not being enabled from the spell menu |
10.072.001 | System | Misc | Implemented the ability to spell check the entire window at once |
10.072.001 | Accounts | Order | Fixed a bug where a prompt would appear to remove cancelled items when printing an order containing comment lines. |
10.072.001 | Accounts | Order | Fixed a bug when attempting to removing cancelled lines from order print out, only the first line of the order would be removed whether cancelled or not. |
10.072.001 | Accounts | Quote | Changed message when trying to send a closed quote to order when the quote has not been ordered. Changed from this quote is complete to this quote is closed. |
10.072.001 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed an issue with statements where sending a single company’s statement to pdf would not work. |
10.072.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | if print statement is selected then do not use account defaults that might set it back to email statement |
10.072.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Amending exchange rate was limited to 4dp, this has been increased to 6dp for quotes orders and invoices |
10.072.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed issue where the skip print on statement checkbox was unable to be used |
10.072.001 | Accounts | Misc | Added prompt to warn the user when they are printing a statement for a single company if there are any invoices set to skip printing |
10.072.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Added the skip print on statement checkbox to the extra tab of the payment window. |
10.072.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | When reconciling credit notes, the window title has been adjusted to be more accurate |
10.072.001 | CRM | Tasks | New tasks system supports investigations, drag and drop reordering, authorisation, improved loading times, redesigned display, improved load controls etc |
10.072.001 | Accounts | Reports | Change to file name validation. Now, if the company name contains banned characters, we will remove the banned characters. |
10.073.001 | System | Query Builder | Fixed an issue where using the not empty search criteria would return an error. |
10.073.001 | CRM | Tasks | Corrections to visual glitches within the task new and edit window |
10.073.001 | CRM | Tasks | Streamlined the stamp process within tasks to keep focus on task details in log |
10.073.001 | CRM | Tasks | Tooltips and tab order corrected with task window |
10.073.001 | Accounts | Misc | New quick filter option added to sales ledger to show accounts with unprinted invoices. |
10.073.001 | CRM | Tasks | When entering a task for a company the contact will be set to the contact of the most recent task |
10.073.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed a bug preventing multiple emails with attachments being dragged and dropped into sqlworks. |
10.073.001 | CRM | Emails | Forwarded emails will not have addresses pre filled |
10.074.001 | CRM | Tasks | Fixed a bug where the task list does not load properly in situations where it needs an extra column and needs to be reset. |
10.074.001 | System | Misc | After exporting errors following a table import the user is asked if they want to ignore the errors and continue |
10.074.001 | CRM | Emails | Double click will edit the email if it is a draft or in outbox, otherwise view |
10.074.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added List of Debtor’s Archive data to the Ledger section in NavBar |
10.074.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added List of Creditor’s Archive data to the Ledger section in NavBar |
10.074.001 | CRM | Emails | Emails no longer appears under CRM in the navbar – instead please use “Email Browser” in the documents sub menu to review email history |
10.074.001 | CRM | Emails | Email browser now loads faster, supports date ranges, new window design, HTML email support |
10.074.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed a bug where dragging and dropping emails would fail when a saved email with an attachment was selected first. |
10.074.001 | Stock | Misc | Fixed bug where stock ledger filter option Under Re order Level (MRP Potential) would find stock items whose actual quantity is less than the low level. Now finds stock items whose potential quantity is less than the reorder level. |
10.074.001 | Stock | Misc | Fixed bug where stock ledger filter option Under Re order Level (MRP Actual) would find stock items whose actual quantity is less than the low level. Now finds stock items whose actual quantity is less than the reorder level. |
10.074.001 | Stock | Misc | New filter option Under Low Level (MRP Potential) finds stock items whose potential quantity is less than the low level. |
10.074.001 | Stock | Misc | New filter option Under Low Level (MRP Actual) finds stock items whose actual quantity is less than the low level. |
10.074.001 | CRM | Emails | Prompts used during the unsent mail process have been made clearer |
10.074.001 | Accounts | Reports | When sorting the PL Transactions report by country, it will now alert the user that there is no detailed version of the report for those settings |
10.074.001 | Accounts | Reports | When sorting the PL Transactions report by country, it will now correctly group the lines by the country against them |
10.074.001 | Accounts | Reports | When sorting the PL transactions report by country, it will no longer overlap the transaction number over the company |
10.074.001 | CRM | Emails | Added a right click option to the template selection that saves the working design as a new template with the option to set a custom description. |
August 2022
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Added credit note line amount to Debtors receipt list of un allocated credit notes |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Reports | When print a single debtor statement, you can specify if you want to send as email, or print to paper. When print less than 20 debtor statements, you can specify if you want to send to paper. If selecting more than 20 accounts, the output is governed by the account settings |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Fixes to the HSBC bacs edi file format |
10.065.001 | CRM | Misc | Updated fix email addresses utility to include email address fields in SL and PL accounts |
10.065.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Fixed a bug when adding a new line to a works order the component would lose its link to the product code. |
10.065.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Holding shift to split works order lines will now split the line to a decimal quantity. |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Corrected the Auto Set button to remember settlement values |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Totals have been added for receipt window columns |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | Added Pay Balance red cross button next to the value of the payment. This button will set the balance of the account and allocate against all invoices. Credit notes that are un reconciled are taken into consideration. |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | Added Auto Set button to allocate against oldest invoices, looking at settlement values as well. |
10.065.001 | Stock | Ledger | Added Ref lookup list for Stock Category values |
10.065.001 | Finance | Ledger | Removed Settlement account from reserved list of accounts that cannot be used |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | VAT/Tax code is copied correctly when duplicating an existing line when entering a new invoice |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Order | VAT/Tax code is copied correctly when duplicating an existing line when entering a new order |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Quote | VAT/Tax code is copied correctly when duplicating an existing line when entering a new quote |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | VAT/Tax code is copied corectly when duplicating an existing line when entering a new invoice |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | VAT/Tax code is copied correctly when duplicating an existing line when entering a new order |
10.065.001 | CRM | Addresses | Address labels can be printed (8X3) for selected companies / debtors / creditors. |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed a bug where the totals field in the allocations tab in invoices/transactions tab would not calculate. |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | New right click option added to allocations tab ‘Go to transaction’ navigates you to the linked line. |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | Added totals bar to purchase ledger allocations list. |
10.066.001 | System | Gui4 | Fixed a bug when using load empty or load not empty in standard search bar |
10.066.001 | Stock | Transactions & History | When processing a GRN, you will be able to specify the number of barcode / stores lables that need to be printed. This is a new default per stock item, as some items will already have an individual barcode already. |
10.066.001 | CRM | Companies | Toggling the active status of a company will now also toggle the status of the connected accounts after checking that this is possible |
10.066.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Toggling the active status of a sales account will check that there are no outstanding transactions before doing so |
10.066.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Toggling the active status of a purchase account will check that there are no outstanding transactions before doing so |
10.066.001 | CRM | Tasks | Added an option for resolution notes to the quick close right click option on the task list |
10.066.001 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | Fixed a bug that was preventing contra payments from being reconciled in the purchase ledger. Changed a ‘SLH_’ tp ‘PLH_’, doh! |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Shop Sales | Restriction added to prevent the creation of credit notes on the cash sales account from the shop sales window |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Shop Sales | Bug fix during save in shop sales window |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Shop Sales | Speed improvements to save on shop sales window |
10.067.001 | Finance | Ledger | Added option to VAT transaction detail list to both LINK and UNLINK records to current VAT period |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Contracts | Bug fix for contract cashflow report when mapping contracts that ended in the previous year or start in the next year |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Reports | New Purchase Order receiving history report. |
10.067.001 | System | Sign In | Fixed an issue where the user would be logged out if cancelling the prompt for unsent emails |
10.067.001 | CRM | Misc | User lists in the CRM will now be sorted by the sort name |
10.067.001 | Stock | Transactions & History | Can now do stock movements from a specific lot number |
10.067.001 | Stock | Transactions & History | Stock movements for a specific lot number will now transfer qa tests. |
10.067.001 | CRM | Emails | New HTML Email browser supporting templates, data merging, advance design options (fonts, colours, tables, images etc), spell checking, token style email entry |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Misc | Process Contra payment option is moved to SL transactions tab, allows you to move money between SL and PL accounts |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Unallocated payments tab is hidden by default, can be restored with a right click option |
10.067.001 | Finance | Journals | Added Sort action to New Journal screen for line details |
10.067.001 | Finance | Journals | Sort list of Standing Journals by REF |
10.067.001 | Finance | Journals | Menu item for starting a new Journal is lablled as ‘Post Journal’ |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Show balance of un-allocated payments as Negative values |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Show balance of un-allocated payments as Negative values |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added SL_UD_X and SL_ANL_X fields to Search in Debtors list window |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added PL_UD_X and PL_ANL_X fields to Search in Creditors list window |
10.067.001 | Finance | Ledger | Added field for Bank Account Holder Name per bank account, Useful for Invoice stationary. |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Ledger | SL list context menu now shows print or email options when a single account is selected, or statement run option if multiple accounts are selected |
10.067.001 | CRM | Emails | All emails are saved to the system as unsent mail before sending. if the email save fails you are given the option to keep the email in the outbox or delete the email |
10.067.001 | CRM | Emails | A spell check is triggered before send an email manually via the email window. If potential issues are found the user is asked if they want to check now or ignore |
10.067.001 | CRM | Emails | If sending email without a subject you are warned and given the option to cancel |
10.067.001 | CRM | Misc | Controls to enable the html email system are moved to SQLWorks prefs email tab |
10.067.001 | CRM | Tasks | Added extra RM click options to quickly set tasks to all types of stages. |
10.067.001 | CRM | Tasks | By default, all new tasks are set to Priority order of 0, so they appear at the top of your list |
10.067.001 | Stock | Ledger | Adjusted stock import method to support new export format. |
10.067.001 | CRM | Companies | Added import/export options to the Companies list |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added import/export options to the Placcs list |
10.067.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added import/export options to the Slaccs list |
10.067.001 | CRM | Misc | Removed unnessasry messaage saying there was no unsent email found during sigin in |
10.067.001 | CRM | Addresses | Fixed issue when mass updating country for towns table in address viewer |
10.067.001 | CRM | Emails | Corrections to HTML email system that caused emails to be sent in plain text only |
10.067.001 | Finance | MTD | Moved MTD Authorisation file to a seperate folder, and added Company VRN for multi company support. All clients will probably need to re-authorise as well with HMRC. |
10.067.001 | Finance | MTD | Added button to remove all MTD Auth files from system, before making a new set. |
10.069.001 | CRM | Emails | Emails can be merged with data assoicated with the record being emailed including columns from projects, PL accounts, SLaccounts, companies and contacts |
10.069.001 | CRM | Emails | Corrected error where certain merged columns were not showing merged data in HTML email |
10.069.001 | CRM | Emails | IMAP debugging is always ON when looking at emails |
July 2022
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Order | Duplicate line will set the record as having been modified |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Duplicate line will set the record as having been modified |
10.061.001 | System | Base Classes | Correction when creating delete logs from tables that include picture data |
10.061.001 | Finance | Audit | Unreconciled Journals are now auto loaded when viewing Nom/Anl/Dep records. |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Save process will not continue until a valid date is entered |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Order | When editing orders the stock lists will only be loaded if there are fewer than 10 lines on the order, otherwise this can be done manually |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Order | Bug fixes when setting an account to load a fixed number of records or months |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Orders received not invoice report now shows order due date |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Quote | Quote line list now has a “go to stock ledger” option like orders and transactions |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Aged Credit tab design now matches aged debt tab from SL |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | New BACS format option suitable for HSBC using BAC Standard 18 |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Option to load a fixed number of records by default will also include any outstanding records |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Option to load outstanding purchase orders will include both unreceived and un invoiced orders |
10.061.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Multiple stock audits can now be made to give to different people to check different areas. When finishing these audits it will consolidate them together into one audit and allow checking over before clicking to finish again. |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | If the invoice was generated by a delivery note, we no longer check for and remove items based on standard stock multiplier. |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | If the invoice was generated by a delivery note, we now prompt a warning before the user attempts to remove a line before saving. |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Misc | New utility checks delivery notes to find cases where delivered quantities were not invoiced. |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Order | Users are no longer able to delete order lines which have been dispatched. |
10.061.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Added the ability to filter stock takes to all stock with codes alphabetically between two terms |
10.061.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Added the ability to filter stock takes to only include stock from specific suppliers |
10.061.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Added the ability to show filters and who is going to be doing the stock take on stock take printouts. |
10.061.001 | Stock | Misc | Added an option to export data from the stock ledger, choosing which information to show |
10.061.001 | System | Pref & Function Objects | When creating an export file, the confirmation message now allows you open the folder where the export file has just been created. Makes it easier to email the file etc. |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Bug fix to correct issue with HSBC BACS file creation |
10.061.001 | Stock | Misc | Export option in the stock ledger will now make sure the data from any connected tables is correct before exporting |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | New address selector for purchase order invoice address. |
10.061.001 | Stock | Ledger | Added quick access buttons to BoM tab to help users speed |
10.061.001 | CRM | Tasks | Increased Task description box |
10.061.001 | System | Misc | Database tables viewer can no longer be used to edit or delete records |
10.061.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Setting invoice print status is now an admin restricted feature |
10.064.001 | CRM | Tasks | Tasks can be given a sort order to enable setting completion order. Use the RM click option to drag & set |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Invoice tabs now show totals regardless of lines selected when only showing open invoices |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Order | Order tabs now show totals regardless of lines selected when only showing open orders |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Quote | Quote tabs now show totals regardless of lines selected when only showing open Quotes |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Invoice tabs now show totals regardless of lines selected when only showing open invoices |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Order tabs now show totals regardless of lines selected when only showing open orders |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Totals row layout is fixed for a number of different tab layouts |
10.065.001 | CRM | Companies | Email address fields will automatically have leading or trailing whitespace removed when saved |
10.065.001 | CRM | Contacts | Email address fields will automatically have leading or trailing whitespace removed when saved |
10.065.001 | CRM | Leads | Bug fix when emailing a lead |
10.065.001 | CRM | Leads | If a lead is not assigned to a user it cannot be emailed, this is now reported to the user |
10.065.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Fixed an issue where splitting works orders would change the component quantity per build resulting in the works order not being able to be built. |
10.065.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Qty field in Works order line list is now wider to ensure longer numbers i.e. decimals are visible. |
10.065.001 | System | Misc | Fixed an issue where when sorting columns in a list, numerical columns would sort alphabetically rather than numerically. |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Added cost to Transactions (F) tabs details list. |
10.065.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Corrected message reported after cancelling the creation of a new stock audit |
10.065.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Reference is renamed to “product code” on most reports for standardisation |
10.065.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Variance report will let the user know if no records were found with variance |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Fixed a bug in the purchase order receiving window. Clicking on the drop down list to choose the bin and clicking away before selecting one would make the user unable to exit the field. |
10.065.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Minor changes to Variance report layout |
10.065.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Bug fix on variance report when filtering by checked items |
10.065.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Fixed an issue where setting the in bin while receiving stock would not cause the stock to be added to that bin. |
June 2022
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.056.001 | Stock | Order Allocation | When completing pick sheets from the order allocation window, invoicing matches pick sheet selection rather than FIFO |
10.056.001 | System | Misc | Deleted records are now recorded in the change log |
10.056.001 | System | Sign In | Added a log off option to the user menu for an individual login on multi-company systems |
10.056.001 | Accounts | Reports | Allowed Single account statements to be printed when no items outstanding when using ‘By Date Range’ |
10.056.001 | Stock | Ledger | Corrections to the display of data in the analysis tab |
10.056.001 | Stock | Ledger | Added default method of Transit. Land, Air or Sea. |
10.056.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added flag if creditor allows Po of different DG class items per PO. Default is Not Allowed To Mix. |
10.056.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | Added method of Transit. Land, Air or Sea. |
10.056.001 | Accounts | Proformas | Added proforma stock processing option to basic transaction tab |
10.056.001 | Accounts | Proformas | Default report template adjusted to correctly report proforma invoices |
10.056.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | There is a specific RM click option to cancel an invoice made in error, ie, the same day. An exact credit note will be automatically made and the invoice cleared, and neither transactions will show on a statement. |
10.056.001 | CRM | Tasks | Adjusted the order of columns for the task list |
10.056.001 | System | Misc | Deleted change logs can be viewed from the change log window |
10.056.001 | System | Misc | Bug fix when creating delete logs for the refs table |
10.056.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | New right click menu option to reverse a recently entered invoice – reversing stock movements will be made and a credit note will be created and automatically allocated |
10.056.001 | System | Users/Userprefs | User Passwords can be set to expire from the User list window. Users will be prompted to enter a new password on next sign in. |
10.056.001 | System | Sign In | New sign in throttling to protect against brute force attacks slows down password checking for every incorrect attempt. |
10.056.001 | System | Users/Userprefs | When changing login password, if the chosen password is not strong enough a message will appear and the prompt will return. |
10.056.001 | CRM | Addresses | Corrections to reported prompts when checking addresses |
10.056.001 | System | Users/Userprefs | When prompted to change password, the user can no longer reuse the same password. |
10.056.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Corrected the autoset process so that it does not include any previously allocated value |
10.056.001 | Accounts | Reports | Outstanding Invoices report in the Purchase ledger now includes options to load based on a date range for different types of date |
10.056.001 | System | Users/Userprefs | User list now restricted to only show currently logged in user for non admin users. |
10.056.001 | System | Users/Userprefs | in user edit window, sys admin check box is now only visible for sys admins |
10.056.001 | System | Printing/Exporting | The export button at the top of some lists will now behave the same as the export list context menu option. |
May 2022
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.053.001 | Finance | Misc | Fixed a problem when generating sales invoices from bank income entry. Vat country would not be calculated. |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Dashboard tab will now correctly clear the invoice details display when there are no invoices |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed an issue where the product name lookup in quote detail lines would not prompt a lookup list. |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Fixed an issue in the receipt window where the settlement notes field would always read ‘No Settlement Discount offered’ despite there being lines with settlement discounts. |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Fixed an issue where the payment date on remittances printed from the batch payment window would use the Due before date rather than the payment date. |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed an issue in Debt History Tab, Aged Debt Tab. Double clicking invoices in the list would open the wrong one. |
10.053.001 | CRM | Tasks | Added a right click option to quickly stamp notes onto a task from the list |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed an issue where trying to delete the halted invoicing after saving an invoice results in an error. |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed an issue where reversing bank to bank transfers linked to the SQLWorks A/C nom code would create a transfer to the petty cash account |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Ledger | New check prevents the user from reversing a Transfer between bank accounts from the sundry cash ledger. |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed an issue where reversing a cashbook item results in a record with both a credit ref and a debit ref. On the list this would appear as a doubled reference. |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed an issue where reversing a sundry cash item would result in an error and none of the details would have copied across to new window. |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Ledger | When entering new cashbook item, change made to double arrow which switches debit to credit. This will now only work if the list is empty. Before this would work if there was 1 line in the list. |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed an issue in the quote tab where emailing a quote then changing the status would result in an edit num warning. |
10.053.001 | Stock | Ledger | Fixed DG info button tooltip text |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed DG code set button & method. |
10.053.001 | Stock | Price and discount | Fixed an issue where Unit Price Per values set in the price and discount tab would not carry across to Quotes, Orders, Invoices when using the stock lookup. |
10.053.001 | Stock | Misc | Added column to Dangerous Goods to help with freight outward options. New flag ensures all same DG code items must ship alone. |
10.053.001 | CRM | Emails | Added a button to the email tab to reload emails already in the system. |
10.053.001 | Stock | Transactions & History | Added new option for History by client tab. Sales Orders Due will list customer orders with the amounts listed in the dispatch date column. |
10.053.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed an issue where the email tab would not allow reversing the sort order |
10.053.001 | System | Misc | Sort orders on lists are now case insensitive |
10.053.001 | Finance | Reports | Fixed a bug with the trial balance where it would not load correctly if running for a previous year from the nominal ledger |
10.053.001 | Finance | Ledger | The year list will now be reloaded when running a trial balance report from the nominal ledger |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Invoices marked as proforma invoices will also be set as adjustment invoices and so will not make stock movements by default |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Proforma invoices can be saved when the account is on credit hold |
10.053.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Right click option added to SL invoice list allowing stock movements to be processed on a proforma invoice manually after payment is made |
April 2022
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.049.001 | CRM | Emails | Speed improvements to the check unsent email process |
10.049.001 | CRM | Emails | Added an export option when viewing unsent email |
10.049.001 | Finance | Ledger | Corrections to “Group By Company” option when right clicking on transaction list |
10.049.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed an issue where icons to show line types were being made invisible when editing quotes, orders and invoices |
10.049.001 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed issue where the Stock Items Only box in the Stock Detail tab in PL could not be toggled |
10.049.001 | Stock | Ledger | Added fields to show when a stock item was last re priced, and last price checked. This data would normally be imported via Excel. |
10.049.001 | Stock | Ledger | Added fields to show when a stock item was last re costed, and last cost checked. This data would normally be imported via Excel. |
10.049.001 | System | Query Builder | Fixed a bug where adding a table with options for the column to connect on would not always default to line 1 |
10.049.001 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | Changes to labels and descriptions in the date lock area of accounts preferences |
10.049.001 | CRM | Preferences | Added a new setting to enable HTML email sending (Still WIP) |
10.049.001 | System | Users/Userprefs | Added an area to design a custom user signature for Email |
10.049.001 | CRM | Client Reviews | Fixed issue with client reviews where they would not correctly connect to the company |
10.049.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Most recent transactions will correctly sort to top when viewing records with the same date |
10.049.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Warning for missing supplier invoice number will only be shown when creating new invoices |
10.049.001 | CRM | Diary | Fixed bug where saving the diary with no record selected would prompt an error when everything was fine. |
10.049.001 | CRM | Projects | Added missing User Defined Date fields per project |
10.050.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Adjusted default order printout so that quantity is displayed to as few a number of decimal points as needed. |
10.050.001 | System | Misc | Fixed displays of any quantity fields in expandable lists. |
10.050.001 | Finance | Budgets | Budget Import corrections – file format is fixed order with nom/anl/dept followed by 12 value columns |
10.050.001 | Finance | Budgets | Bulk budget import has been deprecated, must import each year independently |
10.050.001 | Finance | Budgets | Budget window is redrawn after importing or creating a new budget |
10.050.001 | System | Preferences | Current users list in SQLWorks preferences will show the current SQLWorks version of that user |
10.050.001 | CRM | Emails | New checks on failed emails prompts the user if we have exceeded an email quota. |
10.050.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Right click options restored for My Activity Tab |
10.051.001 | System | Preferences | Added preference for the default user sort name format in the system, allowing for it to be first name first or surname first |
10.051.001 | System | Users/Userprefs | Added right click option to users list to set the sort names for all selected users to a specified format |
10.051.002 | CRM | Tasks | Fixed closing tasks via right click so that is correctly sets dates |
10.051.002 | CRM | Tasks | Adjusted colours on tasks statistics report to more accurately represent what they are |
10.051.002 | Stock | Transactions & History | Added prompt to save stock movement transaction. |
10.051.002 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Bug fix to resolve calculation issue when amending VAT multiple times on the same line |
10.051.002 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Bug fix to resolve calculation issue when amending VAT multiple times on the same line |
10.051.002 | System | Pref & Function Objects | Global Search window is much faster to load, by 5 times. |
10.051.002 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Added per item cost and per item profit information to the works order header |
10.051.002 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Works order schedules / elements now renamed to works order lines |
10.051.002 | Stock | Ledger | New advanced pricing tab shows recent items and separates price & cost information |
10.051.002 | Stock | Ledger | Making a new copy of a stock item will now automatically set or clear the stock code depending on the preferences |
10.051.002 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Fixed an issue where take stock slider was not updating after changing the qty to take at WO line level |
10.051.002 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Redesign of the works order tab so show additional costing information for completed works orders |
10.051.002 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed issue where labels were not showing for profit details in the quote header |
10.051.002 | Accounts | Quote | Adjusted sizes of some fields to fit the information in |
10.051.002 | Accounts | Order | Adjusted sizes of some fields to fit the information in |
10.051.002 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Adjusted sizes of some fields to fit the information in |
10.051.002 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Removed unnecessary dropdown next to exchange rate, this is already handled by the currency dropdown |
10.051.002 | Stock | Order Allocation | SO Processing Log tab now works with new change log format |
10.051.002 | System | Misc | Speed improvements to the loading of change log records |
10.051.002 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed tooltips that were missing from some fields |
10.052.001 | System | Printing/Exporting V2 | Added indicator to show selected output device for report. |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Ledger | When printing a statement for a single company, options relating to which companies to load will not be shown, making the process smoother. |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Ledger | The right click option on the sales accounts list for printing statements has been renamed to statement run |
10.052.001 | Manufacturing | Misc | Works orders will update the material, overhead and labour costs of a product automatically after a build |
10.052.001 | Manufacturing | Misc | New preference will tell the system to update default cost from material, overhead and labour costs after every build |
10.052.001 | Manufacturing | Work Centres & Processes | New toolbar button allows changes made to the work centre (i..e costs) to be applied to all template routes that use the work centre and optionally all active routes in progress |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Fixed an issue where exchange code is not editable for new payments. |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | When sending order to invoice the warehouse stock quantity list is now populated. |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Order | When sending quotes to order the warehouse stock quantity list is now populated. |
10.052.001 | System | Misc | Fixed issue with database tables viewer where selecting a group of columns that were not in sequence were not correctly updating the values in the list. |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Bug fix to allow reconciliation of contra payments |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Added preference to restrict completion of a batch payment run until a BACS EDI file has been printed |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Minor design changes to BACS sheet report |
10.052.001 | System | Users/Userprefs | Many user lookups throughout the system will now be sorted correctly by their sort order |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Changed sequence of prompts to streamline process when printing remittances |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | PL account window will reload properly after processing a batch payment |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Added a check to prevent preset batch payments saving a combined allocation below the limit set |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Added a prompt to auto allocate the preset amount if reducing the limit below the amount already allocated in preset batch payments |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | When opening preset batch payment window the due date from is only set to minimum loaded if there are records in the list |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Older EDI csv format has been removed, can still access if holding down SHIFT at the prompt |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Payments generated via the PL batch payments screen will save with the correct payment method |
10.052.001 | System | Timers | If the user loses the connection, the timer will now attempt to reconnect the user. If it is unable to, it will log the user out. |
10.052.001 | Accounts | Order | Fixed an issue where the department code would not be set properly if the default date on the order is not allowed. |
March 2022
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.042.006 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed a bug where sales account fields would start off in view mode when making a new account. |
10.042.006 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Fixed a bug where when receiving orders a series of errors would display and there would be no detail lines if the complex header was not used. |
10.042.006 | Finance | Ledger | Fixed a bug where totals would not appear in balance/accumulative boxes |
10.042.006 | Finance | Ledger | Fixed a bug where EC VAT buttons would not return a list. |
10.042.006 | Finance | Ledger | Fixed bug where vat fields would be hidden for clients with an EORI number. |
10.042.006 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Changing Invoice date will now recalculate the exchange rate. |
10.042.006 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Changing Invoice date will now recalculate the exchange rate. |
10.042.006 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed a bug where purchase account fields would start off in view mode when making a new account. |
10.042.006 | CRM | Companies | Fixed VAT country lookup within the company window |
10.042.006 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Fixed issue in the purchase order receiving window where some labels would not disappear when not invoicing at the same time. |
10.042.006 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Corrected an error message for when an order cannot be progressed to invoice |
10.042.006 | Accounts | Ledger | VAT country now correctly appears on the Bank and VAT tab |
10.042.006 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | VAT country is now correctly pulled across from the company |
10.042.008 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Removed wrong message when cancelling printing of remittance advices. |
10.042.008 | Finance | Ledger | Fixed an issue where EC vat column would not be calculated. |
10.042.008 | Finance | Ledger | Bug fix to correct selection of BACS file type |
10.042.008 | CRM | Tasks | Task can be quickly assigned to specific users from a group called TASK. Each person will appear in the RM click menu to assist. |
10.043.001 | CRM | Tasks | Last 7 days filter will not correctly display tasks started in the past 7 days |
10.043.001 | CRM | Tasks | Making a new task will now default the task type to be general |
10.043.001 | CRM | Tasks | Category column in task list has now been moved to make it easier to find |
10.043.001 | Stock | Pricing | Fixes to the recalculation of average cost when called after processing a Works Order via quick build |
10.043.001 | Stock | Transactions & History | Moved Save & Cancel buttons to the right of Toolbar, as per standard layout requirements |
10.043.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Allowed users to modify Add to VAT check box on new entries |
10.043.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed bug where some emails were not being sent with their attachments |
10.043.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Invoices created from orders are set as proforma if they are on a proforma account |
10.043.001 | CRM | Companies | Adjusted the error message to be clearer when trying to add a new company without an address to the sales or purchase ledgers |
10.043.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Print Remittance option in Bank and VAT tab renamed to “Prompt Remittance” |
10.043.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Factor email in Bank and VAT tab renamed to “Remittance email” |
10.043.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Added a prompt on the save of an invoice that will alert the user if the VAT country is different between the invoice and the company. |
10.043.001 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | Minor redesign of PL tab in accounts prefs |
10.043.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Added a right click option to delivery window to set all qty to max (unreceived) value |
10.043.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Added a new preference that will default the qty to zero instead of the unreceived qty when receiving PO’s |
10.043.001 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Added an option to print a Triodos EDI report for Triodos bank accounts in the batch payments screen |
10.045.001 | CRM | Companies | Fixed issues where the filter list on the companies touchpoints tab could not be set unless the company was being edited |
10.045.001 | CRM | Phone Logs | When no company is selected, all projects are now loaded. When one is selected, the company will be automatically set to the one for the project. |
10.045.001 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | Remittances sent from BACS payment window will now use the same email text etc as when sending a remittance from the transactions tab. |
10.045.001 | System | Query Builder | Query’s with a large number of columns selected were cut short due to character limits. |
10.045.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | QA Tests can now be set up at the point of receiving purchase orders |
10.045.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | System pref to determine if QA tests are to be enforced during PO receive, can also be set to prompt or be optional |
10.046.001 | System | Misc | Text changed on Prompt message when overwriting another users changes to make it clearer. |
10.046.001 | System | Misc | Fixed an issue where the final label on line graphs would sometimes overlap the previous label. |
10.046.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | New QA test can be added and printed for PL deliveries via right click in the inv/del tab of the PL order tab |
10.046.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Checks added to ensure only one QA test can exist for a batch |
10.046.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Added a check to ensure that the VAT country is not blank when saving an invoice |
10.046.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | When saving an invoice we will not warn about VAT country differences to the company default if the company default is blank |
10.046.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Removed double prompt when a save fails due to VAT country entry |
10.047.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Bug fixes for when building a WO without a process route |
10.047.001 | Manufacturing | QA Testing | Bug fixes when using ranges in a QA test |
10.047.001 | Manufacturing | QA Testing | An observation type will no longer allow a restricted value |
10.047.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Bug fix when attempting to add QA tests to the same line multiple times |
10.047.001 | CRM | Touchpoints | Fixed a potential bug in the CRM tab if emails were not used |
10.047.001 | Finance | Ledger | Corrected prompt when getting linked transactions to items in the statement tab |
10.047.001 | Finance | Ledger | Legend added to cash flow graph. |
10.047.001 | System | Query Builder | Fixed a bug where removing the first condition would result in errors. |
10.047.001 | System | Printing/Exporting | Database tables viewer will no longer remember previous column selection |
10.047.001 | System | Printing/Exporting | Database tables viewer will show a max of 240 columns |
10.047.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Changes made so when copying an order detail line, nominal code, analysis etc will keep values from copied line. |
10.047.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed bug in the aged debt tab where month fields were not calculating |
10.047.001 | CRM | Emails | Role based email accounts are now saved, so these accounts can be viewed in the CRM/Email tab. |
10.047.001 | System | Misc | Can now set legend labels for multi line graphs |
10.047.001 | CRM | Emails | IMAP InBox attachments within each email can now be viewed directly, without having to save into SQLWorks fiirst. |
10.048.001 | CRM | Tasks | Fixed issue where the calendar button was not setting the task commence date |
10.048.001 | Stock | Warehouses & bins | Added yes/no prompt before resetting accounting info in warehouse map |
10.048.001 | Stock | Warehouses & bins | Added option to create a stock movement from the warehouse map when right clicking on the bin qty list |
10.048.001 | Stock | Warehouses & bins | Removed get info option from the bin qty list |
10.048.001 | Stock | Warehouses & bins | Fixed context menu items for warehouses in warehouse map |
10.048.001 | Stock | Warehouses & bins | Added context menu items for bins in warehouse map |
10.048.001 | System | Misc | Users can send Support system info from the Main SQLWorks menu to assist in trouble shooting. A message can also be added, no pictures, just text currently. |
10.048.001 | CRM | Emails | Email Roles now have specific Email addresses and should also have an InBox. It should not be an Alias account type These InBoxes will appear in the Email Tab, and if you are a member of EMAIL_ROLES security group. |
10.048.001 | System | Misc | Introduced spell checking capability via a spell menu |
10.048.001 | Accounts | Order | An new option has been added to allow you to only show the non-cancelled lines when printing a sales order |
10.048.001 | Accounts | Order | You can return consignment stock using a right click ‘process return’ option in the sales order tab. This will prepare the stock movements window and cancel the outstanding order when saved |
10.048.001 | Accounts | Order | You can return stock using a right click ‘process return’ option in the sales order tab. This will prepare the stock movements window ready for saving but leave financials untouched |
10.048.001 | CRM | Tasks | Made a number of changes to the tasks statistics report to improve clarity and accuracy |
10.048.001 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | Preset batch payment window will not snap to bottom after selecting an invoice |
10.048.001 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | Preset batch payment window will set load from date to be the oldest payment date during initial load |
10.048.001 | Accounts | Contracts | Corrections to the line guide position when used in the contracts list view |
10.048.001 | Accounts | Quote | Quote department selection is remembered and displays properly when viewed |
10.048.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Vat country override will be applied when sending orders to invoice |
10.048.001 | CRM | Diary | Correct date format bug when using navigation buttons in diary calendar |
10.048.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed bug where attachments on emails cannot be viewed if the email has already been saved in the system |
10.048.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed bug where small attachments were being ignored when bringing the email into SQLWorks from an external inbox |
10.048.001 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed issue where right click options for changing option group or authorising user would not work |
10.048.001 | Stock | Transactions & History | New orders and transactions can be created from the stock ledger, company account will be requested in a prompt |
10.048.001 | Stock | Transactions & History | Transactions can now be created from the transactions tab via a right click option |
10.048.001 | Accounts | Misc | When accounts are being opened you will be prompted if the account is inactive and the process will cancel |
10.048.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Fixed issue where goods received note would print in landscape. |
10.048.001 | System | Preferences | Added Security Grp choice per Role based email account |
February 2022
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.038.001 | Stock | Price and discount | Faster searching for customer parts in price and discount system |
10.038.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Account balance history graph has been updated with new visuals in aged debt tab |
10.038.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Account balance history graph has been updated with new visuals in aged debt tab |
10.038.001 | Stock | Transactions & History | Corrections to movements graph so that it will always include stock movements made today |
10.038.001 | System | Base Classes | Line graphs will now show the final (closing) data label, (typically todays date) |
10.038.001 | Finance | Dashboard/Day Book | can now load transactions by Audit number. |
10.038.001 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | BACs report shows creditor bank account & sort code |
10.038.001 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | BACS report saved as a PDF into SQLWorks Docs folder when you save. |
10.039.003 | System | Printing/Exporting V2 | Fixed but where clipboard option was being treated as preview when printing reports |
10.039.003 | Stock | Price and discount | Fixed issue where the price and discount tab in the stock ledger was not correctly showing sales accounts in the lookup |
10.039.003 | Accounts | Order | New authorisation mode can restrict stage selection |
10.039.003 | Stock | Price and discount | Price and discount tabs in the sales ledger and stock ledger will now only load active rules. |
10.039.003 | System | Misc | Added searching of Numbers in Global Search function |
10.039.003 | System | Misc | In the Global Search window, the ALL value is treated on its own. You either choose certain ledgers to search, or ALL SQLWorks ledgers |
10.039.003 | Accounts | Reports | Fixed a bug where Aged debt report would produce an error when only showing selected accounts |
10.039.003 | Accounts | Order | Minor fixes to order import process to support 64 bit counters |
10.039.003 | Accounts | Credit Control | On dashboard, when credit limit is set to 0. The message now says Always on hold or no credit limit depending on whether we use automatic credit control |
10.039.003 | Accounts | Credit Control | On dashboard, when credit limit is set to -1. The message now says never on hold rather than always on hold |
10.040.001 | Stock | Order Allocation | Bug fixes in order allocation / print pick process |
10.040.001 | Accounts | Order | Warehouse stock list now loads correctly on complex order line layout |
10.040.001 | Finance | Ledger | Box5 value is now shown correctly in the list of periods after being calculated. |
10.040.001 | System | Printing/Exporting | Fixed bug where errors would prompt when exporting certain information to a file |
10.040.001 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed an issue where product name field would not prompt a lookup. |
10.040.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Enabled changing of the ‘Add to VAT’ check box when you amend a cashbook transaction. |
10.040.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | VAT country will be automatically set when changing the delivery country or final destination country |
10.040.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Bug fix where VAT country was reset after being changed manually |
10.040.004 | CRM | Projects | Fixed a bug where tabs would sometimes not show up in projects. |
10.040.004 | Finance | Misc | When loading records per period, the Audit number is now shown in Col 2. |
10.040.004 | Finance | Ledger | When loading records in a period where the prev period is still running, the date range is strictly enforced, and no old transactions will be loaded. |
10.040.004 | Finance | Ledger | To remove transactions linked to a specific VAT period, load the transactions as usual. Select the correct records. RM Click to unlink them. They will now appear on the next open VAT period. Use with caution, available only to Sys Admins. |
10.040.004 | Finance | Audit | Nominal Transaction Export will use default export format and will allow folder selection choice |
10.040.004 | Finance | Reports | On TB, P&L and B/S report parameters prompt “Column Mode : Narrow / Wide” now reads as “Report Layout : Year View (Narrow) / Month View (Wide)” |
10.040.004 | CRM | Emails | Fixed an issue where batches of emails would only send from the default server. |
10.040.004 | Accounts | Credit Control | Fixed an issue where credit limit warnings would appear when credit limit is less than 0. This should mean the account is never on hold. |
10.041.001 | Stock | Ledger | Fixed an error that occurred when trying to save an empty history list. |
10.041.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Adjusted display of order import window to support up to 5 distinct direct import configurations |
10.041.001 | Accounts | Quote | SL Authorisation no longer needs to apply to both quotes and orders and can be enabled independantly for each ledger |
10.042.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Bug fix to correctly display “amend VAT” menu option |
10.042.001 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed issue where right click options would not appear for several fields. |
10.042.001 | Finance | Misc | Fixed an issue where Bank Income records would not save when a sales account is selected. |
10.042.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Changes made to invoice amount total calculation to avoid rounding errors. |
10.042.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Changes made to invoice amount total calculation to avoid rounding errors. |
10.042.001 | Accounts | Misc | Lengthened the label in the Global Search function to show both options. Added tooltips to all objects. |
10.042.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Contra Payments can now be properly reconciled in the sales ledger |
10.042.001 | Accounts | Ledger | You are no longer able to amend dates or amounts for contra payment types |
10.042.001 | Stock | Ledger | When duplicating an existing stock code, the barcode data is cleared. |
10.042.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Complex PO Order line layout now clearly shows a lookup to SL order and company |
10.042.001 | CRM | Companies | Fixed a bug where modifying the vat exempt option would not allow the user to save. |
10.042.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Error messages when opening PO receive window resolved |
10.042.001 | Accounts | Quote | When Sending quote to order while an account is on hold, the user whould get 2 messages asking if they would like to override the on hold status. Now only one message appears. |
10.042.001 | Stock | Price and discount | Fixed a bug in price rule import where even if the user clicked no to deleting existing rules it would anyway. |
10.042.001 | CRM | Emails | Unsent email list will display with better formatting |
10.042.001 | CRM | Emails | Users will be alerted to unsent email when signing in |
10.042.001 | CRM | Tasks | Fixed a bug where closing tasks would not correctly set the closed and resolved dates. |
January 2022
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.032.001 | Stock | Stock movements & Qty | Movements added at the same time will now be additionally sorted by reference number if they were added at the same time |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Order | Changes to the standard order import window, new defaults and stronger error checking |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed issue where turnover tab in debt history was displaying values in the wrong month if the year did not start in January |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Aged Debt in Debt History can now be toggled between outstanding and all invoices |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Aged Credit in Debt History can now be toggled between outstanding and all invoices |
10.034.002 | Finance | Ledger | Fixed an issue when you had COMPARE tab open and you selected the oldest year in the drop down menu. |
10.034.002 | Finance | Ledger | Added notes fields for analysis and department |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | 4dp now allowed for percentage fee on payment types. |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | Restricted changing Fx code, now glued to Fx of bank code for when entering receipts. |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Misc | Corrected an issue that prevented pick sheets from being reprinted |
10.034.002 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Corrected an error when automatically allocating stock after a WO build |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Quote | When selecting a product with a default PL supplier, that supplier is set on the quote line |
10.034.002 | CRM | Leads | Now able to print a quote from the leads quote list via right click menu |
10.034.002 | Finance | Audit | In the Audit by Year screen, there is a new toolbar option to fully test the stability of the Audit Table. All errors are reported into an Excel file. This is located inside the SQLWorks Docs folder on your desktop. Send the file to SQLWorks support for analysis. |
10.034.002 | Finance | Audit | In the Audit by Year screen, you can RM click and set the Audit Checksum for older closed years. |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Ledger | Change to Quick filter option labels in the search bar. Loading accounts which are 30,60,90 days overdue now reads ’30+ days’ |
10.034.002 | Stock | Transactions & History | New option in stock history list to show value instead of qty. |
10.034.002 | Stock | Misc | Corrections in transfer from bulk to pick bin utility |
10.034.002 | Finance | Audit | New utility to set trial balance data to a match data in a file for an entire financial user by creating journals at year end |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Forward order request report will now work where the order has only one line |
10.034.002 | System | Query Builder | Fixed a bug where Linked tables would by default only load active records even though the option was unchecked. |
10.034.002 | System | Global Search | Global search no longer includes results from log tables |
10.034.002 | system | Misc | graphs now remember if you choose 2d or 3d mode. |
10.034.002 | CRM | Emails | If during emailing invoices or statements, and you modify the PDF document, the revised version is now emailed and stored in the CRM document system. |
10.034.002 | System | Users/Userprefs | Fixed a bug where users would have to log out and in after changing email settings. |
10.034.002 | Manufacturing | Misc | Bug fixes in WO print process |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Order | New checks prevent the user from changing the product code on an order when a works order has already been set. |
10.034.002 | Finance | Misc | New utility that allows you to compare 2 trial balance files and highlight missing combinations and value differences |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Misc | Added the ability to search for invoices, orders and works orders in the sales ledger based on a stock lot number used on their detail lines |
10.034.002 | Stock | Price and discount | Fixed a bug in the price & discount tab in the stock ledger where after trying to save and finding a clash, it would allow saving again and seem to work without actually saving. |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed a bug where graphs in the my activity tab would change colour |
10.034.002 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed a bug where graphs in the my activity tab would change colour |
10.037.002 | Finance | Ledger | Multi code select now works in Analysis & Dept ledger windows to give a combined Audit value |
10.037.002 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | Corrected the default stage limit for SL authorisation |
10.037.002 | Stock | Ledger | Removed warning messages in the stock quick filter menu options |
10.037.002 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Selected PO or GRN detail lines can print POS labels for those lines. You will need to specify the POS label printer device in your User Prefs first. ALT key will use POS label format 2. SHIFT key will force preview to the screen. |
10.037.002 | Stock | Ledger | When adding a new Stock item, the EAN-13 barcode image will be automatically saved now. |
10.037.002 | CRM | Diary | Diary Layout is now correctly set by user preferences |
10.037.002 | Accounts | Ledger | New activity tab now only shows items that are part of the graph, added a slider to determine the no of records load and a toggle to switch between just my items and all items. |
10.037.002 | Accounts | Ledger | New activity tab now only shows items that are part of the graph, added a slider to determine the no of records load and a toggle to switch between just my items and all items. |
10.038.001 | System | Gui4 | Opening all tabs in each ledger has been speeded up considerably. |
10.038.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed a bug where users were warned about an account being put on hold when they were not |
10.038.001 | Stock | Ledger | Corrected an issue where size, colour and material would not save correctly when selected in the info tab |
10.038.001 | Accounts | Ledger | “Reports” tab renamed to “Templates” to avoid confusion with reports menu button |
10.038.001 | Finance | Ledger | Added new filters to load Nominal transaction when a company uses a single Nominal code for VAT/GST purposes. |
10.038.001 | CRM | Emails | Changed email tabs in projects etc to allow new emails even when in edit mode, as long as no unsaved changes have been made to the parent project. |
10.038.001 | Accounts | Order | Bug fixes to EDI import process as well as better error reporting |
10.038.001 | Accounts | Misc | All printed notes fields expanded to support 5x as many characters |
10.038.001 | Finance | Ledger | Nominal compare tab will only load data when that tab is visible |
10.038.001 | Finance | Ledger | If VAT/GST Nominal code selected, Analysis & Dept codes are ignored when loading records. The data returned will always show ‘All’ for both columns regardless. |
10.038.001 | Stock | Price and discount | Fixed issue where trying to make a new stock item with the pricing and discounting tab open would ask to save changes, even when none were made. |
10.038.001 | Stock | Ledger | History tab qty/value selection is now enabled |
10.038.001 | Stock | Ledger | History tab qty/value selection will remember user choice |
10.038.001 | Accounts | Ledger | History tab qty/value selection will remember user choice |
10.038.001 | Accounts | Ledger | History tab qty/value selection will remember user choice |
10.038.001 | Manufacturing | Misc | Works order print out now includes process route list. |
10.038.001 | System | Misc | Refs now allow 64 bit integer values |
10.038.001 | Accounts | Credit Control | Fixed a bug where accounts would be placed on credit hold when below the limit. |
10.038.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | New type of due date added. Month End + No of Days. |
December 2021
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Quote | Quotes tab now displays profit column correctly |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed a bug where halted quotes could not be opened. |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed a bug where quote header info was missing from print outs. |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed a bug where no recipient email addresses appear when emailing a quote. |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Improved speed when entering debt history tab from large accounts |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Order | New option, when printing a proforma invoice from an order, to only print allocated lines. |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed bug where stock lookup in quote window would produce errors when using simple quote window. |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Order | Fixed bug where stock lookup in order window would produce errors when using simple order window. |
10.032.001 | CRM | Misc | Fixed a bug which would result in an error if the CRM tab was reloaded when no stock item was loaded |
10.032.001 | CRM | Misc | Fixed a bug which would result in an error if the BOM tab was reloaded when creating a new record |
10.032.001 | Stock | Price and discount | Fixed a bug where price rules could not be imported without removing columns. |
10.032.001 | CRM | Companies | Consolidated common company information, eg, VAT Nº & Company Reg Nº into the Company table from individual Debtors & Creditors ledgers. |
10.032.001 | Finance | MTD | Added support for DRC (Domestic Reverse Charge) into MTD (Making Tax Digital) |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | Added CIS (Construction Industry Scheme) code for DRC (Domestic Reverse Charge) support |
10.032.001 | Stock | Misc | Added GTIN prefix code in Sys Prefs to support company manufacturer’s new GTIN codes (Global Trade Item Number = Barcode) |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Order | Order import screen now uses preferences to determine the available direct connections |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Order | Order/transaction import screen redesigned to only show relevant radio button options |
10.032.001 | CRM | Companies | Added button to edit the main address of a company to the header tab. |
10.032.001 | CRM | Tasks | Fixed a bug where if the user was making a task for themselves but was sending it to a contact, the email would fail |
10.032.001 | CRM | Phone Logs | Turned off the default of connecting to existing tasks or leads when clicking their respective tabs, as there were issues with this preventing saving. |
10.032.001 | Finance | Dashboard/Day Book | Dashboard optimised for large databases. |
10.032.001 | Stock | Ledger | Fixed issue in the advanced tab where a drop down was able to be changed before editing the stock item |
10.032.001 | System | Base Classes | Added 3D effect for Graph screens for 2022. |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Ledger | New SL accounts default to sending invoices & statements via Email as a PDF |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Quote | Expired quotes are now closed by the system |
November 2021
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.026.001 | System | Misc | Importing with the database tables viewer will now only run checks on updated or new lines, speeding up the process |
10.026.001 | System | Misc | A flag for mass import mode has been added to the system, allowing some checks and prompts to be ignored if running a mass import. |
10.026.001 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | When adding lines to a dispatch note we no longer show lines that have been fully dispatched but not yet invoiced |
10.026.001 | Stock | Order Allocation | Allocate Tab on the Allocated Tab has been renamed to “Progress” to avoid confusion |
10.026.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | WO Groups print consolidated picking sheets |
10.026.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | When reprinting a pick sheet for a WO it will automatically print the sheet for the entire WO group (if it belonged to one) |
10.026.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Quick build now has option to build the product as a replacement item (which will not auto-allocate) |
10.027.001 | CRM | Actions | Fixed a bug where if a follow up task was created from an action, then cancelled to make edits to the action first, the action could not save. |
10.027.001 | Stock | Dispatch Planner | All lines tab now filters based on the status of the detail line not the header line. |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Reports | Fixed a bug where totals would not appear on orders list sl when showing details and sorting by due date. |
10.027.001 | Stock | Reports | Added new sorting options on production schedule report. |
10.027.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Fixed a bug where adding a document to an existing works order was not possible. |
10.027.001 | Manufacturing | QA Testing | Fixed bug that prevented a new set of test from being saved properly |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed a bug where adding a document to an existing quote was not possible. |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Order | Fixed a bug where adding a document to an existing Order was not possible. |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed a bug where adding a document to an existing invoice was not possible. |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Fixed a bug where adding a document to an existing purchase order was not possible. |
10.027.001 | CRM | Projects | Fixed a bug that could make project substage unable to be changed manually. |
10.027.001 | Stock | Dispatch Planner | For Filter options the user must now shift to single select rather than shift to multi select. |
10.027.001 | Stock | Dispatch Planner | New Filter Check box for ‘ALL’ |
10.027.001 | Stock | Stock Take | When printing stock take sheets, the user can now filter using multiple stock groups. |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Credit Control | Added fields to use ‘days_grace’ and ‘credit_grace_until_date’ to give greater flexibility on trading for this debtor |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Order | Choosing a delivery address on an order will no longer allow inactive addresses to be selected |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | PO lines that are not connected to stock will not be included in the delivery stock value calculations |
10.027.001 | Manufacturing | Misc | Fixes to “process as replacement” option for quick build automatic stock allocation |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | New preference can now force transaction lines with a value to have a product code, can be set for SL/PL and can be a restriction or a warning |
10.027.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Fixed bug where adding a new works order schedule would result in a crash. |
10.027.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Allowed the creation of new works order schedules when the works order is connected to an order. |
10.027.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | After changing works order schedule qty, if there is a qty remaining to be built for that schedule, the schedule will be set to outstanding. |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Order | Adjusted totals in order details list in the sales ledger orders tab to be below the correct columns. |
10.027.001 | CRM | Leads | The date a lead enters each stage is now recorded. |
10.027.001 | CRM | Emails | More information is now given on the keep trying message when an email fails to send e.g. did the authentication fail? If so you may need to update your password. |
10.027.001 | System | Query Builder | Columns selected when show all columns is checked will remain visible when show all columns is unchecked. |
10.027.001 | System | Query Builder | Fixed graphical bug where column names would disappear on the conditions tab for windows users. |
10.027.001 | Stock | Ledger | Added 3 new stock utilities. 1 Create & save barcode images for a selected list of items. Check for orphaned barcode images. Clear ALL barcode images from BLOB table. |
10.027.001 | Stock | Ledger | Added export of all barcode images into ODT file for moving into another SQLWorks database. No option yet added for saving as PNG files, but that is to come. |
10.027.001 | Stock | Ledger | New function to import barcodes from an ODT file. It will remove duplicates from the import first. It will not currently update existing barcode images. |
10.027.001 | Stock | Price and discount | Adjusted pricing system to apply the default price only when either initially selecting to stock item or when all price rules are removed |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Order | Adjusted changing the delivery address so that it doesn’t reset the prices on lines without an applicable pricing rule |
10.027.001 | CRM | Emails | In the email imap tab, if you have a folder in your email account called SQLWorks, your SQLWorks mailbox will load first. |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Works order tab in sales ledger now includes customer order number. |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Ledger | The user is now able to add new works orders from the works order tab in the sales ledger. |
10.027.001 | System | Misc | Fixed a bug where records would not save if the user had pasted data from their clipboard. |
10.027.001 | System | Misc | It is now possible to import excel documents from the database tables viewer. |
10.027.001 | CRM | Emails | Fixed issue where replying to or forwarding an email within SQLWorks would cause the contacts list to not be populated |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Quote | Quote authorisation model no longer allows changes away from a stage that requires authorisation |
10.027.001 | CRM | Projects | Fixed issue where the project substage could not be manually set in some places |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Using the quick load buttons in the quote/order/transaction tabs will now clear the search field so that it loads correctly |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Using the quick load buttons in the order/transaction tabs will now clear the search field so that it loads correctly |
10.027.001 | Stock | Ledger | The UN list of Dangerous Goods codes have been added to SQLWorks. Each stock item can have a list of associated DG codes added, eg IsoPro camping gas canisters have both Propane & Butane. |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | A list of UN Dangerous Goods codes purchased from each supplier is automatically generated from the Stock ledger. This helps to decide how to split POs into separate order numbers, when there are restricted shipping conditions, eg, Lithium batteries. |
10.027.001 | System | Groups/Security | individual tabs can now be hidden by security from individual users. Users can also hide/show the table they are allowed to use and view. |
10.027.001 | Finance | Ledger | Fixed issue where loading transactions in the nominal ledger without a line selected in the analysis/department dropdown would prompt an error |
10.027.001 | Finance | Ledger | When loading transactions with multiple lines selected in the actual tab, it will now correctly prompt an error when an analysis or department code is not found. |
10.027.001 | Finance | Ledger | Fixed a bug where choosing a different year would not refresh the analysis/department drop downs to show the different combinations the selected year may have. |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Stopped users amending nominal code to a reserved bank control code |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Stopped users amending nominal code to a reserved bank control code |
10.027.001 | Finance | Ledger | Bank Nominal balance only uses Nominal code to get balance, and not the full 3D set of codes. |
10.027.001 | Finance | Ledger | Fixed issue with loading nominal transaction for codes associated with bank accounts where it would not show their analysis/department codes |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Order | SL authorisation has the option to restrict stage changes |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Quote | Added quote auth stages to the quote tab in SL accounts |
10.027.001 | Stock | Dashboard and Summary | Added In Transit deliveries to Stock Dashboard tab |
10.027.001 | CRM | Touchpoints | Fixed issue with touchpoints/CRM tab not allowing the user to make anything from it when the parent window has been opened in a separate window. |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Reports | Added ‘Skip print flag’ per set of sales transactions. if correction invoices & credit notes are applied to an account, these can be suppressed from appearing on the statement. |
10.027.001 | Accounts | Order | Authorisation column is now visible on the quotes and orders tab in the sales ledger |
10.027.001 | CRM | Emails | Email preview panel will now clear when loading a new account, so that it does not display an email from the previous account |
10.032.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | When saving a new sales ledger invoice, a check is now made to ensure the current invoice and current balance do NOT EXCEED the credit limit for the debtor. There is only override for Admin users. |
October 2021
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.021.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed issue with duplicating a line as it was using the wrong checks. |
10.021.001 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Choosing a stock item will now make sure prices and other line details are set to 0 when an error occurs instead of being empty |
10.021.001 | System | Query Builder | Can now double click a table in the tree list to add it to the query. |
10.021.001 | Manufacturing | Misc | Added option to set standard picking notes in accounts prefs |
10.021.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Stock built via Works Orders can be automatically allocated to the customer order they were created from |
10.021.001 | Accounts | Payments/Allocs | BACs paid list now shows Inv Our Ref column for easier identification of invoice |
10.021.001 | Accounts | Ledger | New works order tab in the sales ledger. |
10.021.001 | Stock | Ledger | Changes to CIP flag field to make sure text can span across multiple lines. |
10.021.001 | Accounts | Order | Now possible to invoice halted orders if the correct override mode is set or the user is an Admin user. |
10.021.001 | Accounts | Reports | Customer order Pick sheets now contain our ref field. |
10.021.001 | Stock | Ordering Tab | Fixed bug with getting a barcode image in the ordering tab so that it can once again be used |
10.021.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Dashboard now groups invoices by days overdue i.e. 0-30 when preferences are set to group by due date. |
10.021.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Dashboard now groups invoices by days overdue i.e. 0-30 when preferences are set to group by due date. |
10.021.001 | Stock | Ledger | Barcode generator for EAN13 barcode types has been added |
10.021.001 | Stock | Misc | EAN13 barcode checksum validation has been implemented |
10.023.001 | Stock | Ledger | CIP Flag has been renamed to Lookup Notes – these notes will display whenever the product is selected in a stock lookup in SL/PL |
10.023.001 | Stock | Ledger | Added picking notes field to the stock notes group – this can be used to give info to the picking team |
10.023.001 | Accounts | Misc | A new preference has been added allowing setting of default returns terms for client facing stationary |
10.023.001 | Accounts | Misc | A new preference has been added allowing setting of default discount terms for client facing stationary |
10.023.001 | Accounts | Misc | 2 preferences added to system preferences for file path capture (custom dev required) |
10.023.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed bug where having the dashboard or directors tab open in the sales ledger would remove focus from the search field after a search |
10.023.001 | Finance | Misc | Amending the company on a payment record will now update the payee in the bank record as long as there are no other payments linked to that bank record. |
10.023.002 | Accounts | Quote | Progressing an order to invoice from the order screen will now correctly deregister the order so that the invoice can be made. |
10.023.002 | Stock | Ledger | Added barcode format selection (EAN13/UPC) |
10.023.002 | Stock | Assets | Added next service date and service frequency to Asset window |
10.023.002 | Stock | Assets | Next service date will prompt to automatically update to next date if current date has passed |
10.023.002 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | Added a number of years and this year end option to all recurring date frequency choices |
10.023.002 | Finance | MTD | Added restrictions to only allow system users to make MTD requests |
10.023.002 | Finance | MTD | VAT list now refreshes correctly after MTD submission |
10.023.002 | CRM | Contacts | Contact full name is shown and automatically build from components (i.e. first name + initial + last name) |
10.023.002 | CRM | Contacts | When entering a contact full name it is automatically broken down into components (i.e. first name + initial + last name) |
10.023.002 | Stock | Dashboard and Summary | Fixed incorrect calculation for un-invoiced order quantity. |
10.023.002 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Speed improvements for transaction tabs on accounts with a lot of invoices. |
10.023.002 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | New lines can be added to invoices and credit notes if they are unreconciled and not submitted via MTD |
10.023.002 | CRM | Emails | Deleting an email from the email tab in companies now correctly removes links to other records |
10.023.002 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | WO build process will not be allowed if it would result in overallocation to a customer order line |
10.023.002 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Fixed issue where setting cancel qty equal to total qty would result in SQLWorks crashing. |
10.023.002 | Accounts | Ledger | Performance improvements for My activity tab when switching between high activity accounts. |
10.023.002 | Stock | Reports | Low level report now include options to check Low Level 1, Low Level 2, and Reorder Level. |
10.026.001 | CRM | Tasks | Adjusted disbursements tab on tasks so that disbursements could not be added if the disbursements system was not turned on |
10.026.001 | CRM | Tasks | Adjusted other tasks for the connected company list to not show the task currently being edited |
September 2021
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.019.001 | System | Misc | Improvements to all search bars to reduce load delays, particularly when deleting characters |
10.019.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added support to show totals of selected transactions to help with reconciling |
10.019.001 | System | Misc | Keyboard focus is maintained within the search bar after clicking in the list and cancelling a current edit |
10.019.001 | System | Misc | History list preference will not be cleared when using VPN mode, but will not be visible by default |
10.019.001 | CRM | Leads | Leads user list will default to all users to match the default search |
10.019.001 | Stock | Ledger | Fixes to “New Copy” process |
10.019.001 | System | Misc | History list will check that the record exists in the database before attempting to restore it |
10.019.001 | Accounts | Reports | Changes to dispatched orders report. details of invoiced orders now shown for each line. can now choose which date to use for difference column. |
10.019.001 | Accounts | Order | Added ability to include a VAT code on import of orders, quotes etc. |
10.020.003 | CRM | Tasks | Task ID is now a character type allowing for task prefixes and improved searching |
10.020.003 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Fixed issue preventing process routes from saving on works orders. |
10.020.003 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Fixed issue where the user was unable to save process route after adding a step due to a null value in the start time. |
10.020.003 | Accounts | Reports | Added contact details and credit limit to aged debtors report. |
10.020.003 | Accounts | Reports | Added contact details and credit limit to aged creditors report. |
10.020.003 | System | Users/Userprefs | New fields added for holiday allowance and employment start date |
10.020.003 | Accounts | Ledger | Added a Year table and Month tabs to filter petty cash results in the Transactions tab. |
10.020.003 | System | Update | If an update is required but the SharePoint is not available the user is not allowed to log in. The user must mount the server and retry. |
10.020.003 | CRM | Mailshots/Letters | Default email address on mailshots will now be initially set to the email of the current logged in user |
10.020.003 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Process route window will close if the works order window that opened it is closed |
10.020.003 | Stock | Ledger | Auto Explode Kit option will now have the option to replace selected item as well as appending |
10.020.003 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Purchase orders can now use the auto explode option to add multiple lines of a kit together |
10.020.003 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Purchase invoices can now use the auto explode option to add multiple lines of a kit together |
10.020.003 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Works orders will now record the actual material stock cost used in component items, calculated from costs of actual batches used via lot number selection or FIFO |
10.020.003 | System | Base Classes | Each individual transaction record (i.e. order, quote invoice etc) cannot be edited in multiple windows at the same time |
10.020.007 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Works order element notes field will occupy all of notes tab if there are no analysis fields set up |
10.020.007 | Stock | Ledger | Minor display changes to grouping options within batches tab |
10.020.007 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Building stock will update the material, overhead and labour costs of the stock item (if entered) |
10.020.007 | Stock | Misc | New utility to update all products with material, overhead and labour costs of the most recent batch |
10.020.007 | Accounts | Order | New contextual menu option on orders list to email pro forma invoice. |
10.020.007 | Accounts | Order | New contextual menu option on orders list to email dispatch note. |
10.020.007 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | New contextual menu option in dispatch planner to email dispatch notes. |
10.020.007 | Manufacturing | Misc | Production schedule report can now be sorted by due date. |
10.020.007 | Stock | Misc | New Notes field will prompt the user with a message after lookup in quote/order/invoice window. |
10.020.007 | System | Query Builder | Fixed issue where search criteria would disappear. |
10.020.007 | System | Query Builder | Added new search criteria for character columns to find any values in a csv. |
10.020.007 | Accounts | Batch Payments | Added extra functions to the PL Pre-set Payment run. CLEAR existing values to save them. Added running balance of funds to where funds expire. Added sort order for balance of invoices. Fixed setting date. Added setting of date and amount from existing saved values. |
10.020.010 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed a bug that was preventing a record from being halted before it was modified |
10.020.010 | System | Base Classes | Fixed a memory leak that occurred during the close of a window |
10.020.010 | System | Base Classes | Warning messages regarding records that are not being properly deregistered will no longer stop order processing |
10.020.010 | Manufacturing | Documentation | Added controls for opening, editing and removing documents |
10.020.010 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed redraw issue when toggling ‘my activity’ on recent activity tab |
10.020.010 | Accounts | Ledger | Added “My Activity’ toggle to myActivity tab, defaults to all activity |
10.020.010 | Finance | Ledger | Fixed a bug when validating nominal codes where if there was an issue it could sometimes end up in a loop |
10.020.010 | System | Query Builder | Added the ability to create calculated columns in the query builder. |
10.020.010 | System | Query Builder | By default queries will now start with no conditions. |
10.020.010 | System | Query Builder | Fixed issue where conditions like column1 = 0 would not add a condition. |
10.020.010 | Accounts | Delivery Notes | Amended the Add Line to Delivery Note screen in the Sales Ledger to reduce the amount of columns displayed and filter out any delivered items. |
10.020.010 | Stock | Ledger | Works order tab is now sorted with most recent orders at the top of the list |
10.020.010 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | A reset button has been added to the WO allowing you to reset the start-finish dates for all steps in the process route |
10.020.010 | CRM | Emails | Fixed issue where emails mistakenly dragged into SQLWorks were not able to be removed. |
10.020.010 | CRM | Emails | Added the ability to unlink an email from a project without removing it from the system |
10.020.010 | CRM | Emails | Added the ability for CRM admins to delete otherwise undeletable emails from a project that have been mistakenly added |
10.020.010 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | When unbuilding a WO, stock will be taken from the batch created by the initial build, if not found a warning message will be displayed and you can optionally continue with a different batch |
10.020.010 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Fixes to unbuild process |
10.020.010 | Finance | Ledger | Bank transaction record increased in size to record many BACS company names |
10.020.010 | Finance | Ledger | Drill down ability added to Bank Transaction list window |
10.020.010 | System | Pref & Function Objects | Audit log now includes creation and last modification info of selected record |
10.020.010 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixes to new statement function |
10.020.010 | Finance | Ledger | Corrections to get info function on the unreconciled items tab |
10.020.010 | System | Base Classes | Corrections to duplication process |
10.020.010 | System | Sign In | A list of databases for multi company sign on can now be defined per workstation |
10.020.010 | CRM | Addresses | Town, County & Country now have Type Ahead lookup values as set below: Code = 1 char, Names = 2 chars. All can now Insert at the time of type ahead |
10.020.010 | CRM | Companies | Fixed a bug where making a new company with a default address would not allow saving, as the address had not been given a default type |
10.020.010 | Accounts | Order | Selecting multiple order headers now loads all selected order details in the details list. |
10.020.010 | Finance | Misc | Fixed loophole where editing a bank record would alter the amount on an allocated payment/receipt. |
10.020.010 | Stock | Dashboard and Summary | Fixed a problem with pending stock analysis where invoiced delivery notes would show as pending. |
10.020.010 | Accounts | Ledger | For the Stock History tab in sales ledger, the user can now toggle between Value per month and quantity per month. |
10.020.010 | Accounts | Ledger | For the Stock History tab in sales ledger, the user can now “Drill Down” on each line to see records which comprise the totals by right clicking. |
10.020.010 | Accounts | Ledger | For the Stock History tab in purchase ledger, the user can now toggle between value per month and quantity per month. |
10.020.010 | Accounts | Ledger | For the Stock History tab in purchase ledger, the user can now “Drill Down” on each line to see records which comprise the totals by right clicking. |
10.020.010 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed issue with duplicating a line as it was using the wrong checks. |
August 2021
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.018.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added option to alert a client when they are put on credit hold, including a date of that action |
10.018.001 | System | Gui4 | Fixed a problem where notes fields would not display in the correct location |
10.018.001 | Finance | Ledger | Changes made to new vat period code creation to allow for new vat duration options. |
10.018.001 | CRM | Actions | Set up a number of automatic actions for creating invoices/orders/quotes and changing order/quote status |
10.018.001 | Accounts | Order | Added file type restriction to terms and conditions file when automatically adding to the sales order email (now pdf/jpg/png only) |
10.018.001 | Stock | Ledger | Stock items can now set the authorisation status of a sales order – i.e. sales of certain items may require managerial approval |
10.018.001 | Accounts | Order | Customer authorisation status will be updated when selecting a product, duplicating an order or converting a quote (order will be set to highest product status) |
10.018.001 | Accounts | Order | Can no longer print or invoice an unauthorised order |
10.018.001 | Stock | Ledger | SOP and POP stock qty values will no longer include orders that have not been authorised in either ledger |
10.018.001 | CRM | Leads | Leads can specify the setup costs, setup profit of a new lead, along side the value & profit of a lead |
10.018.001 | CRM | Leads | The term length in months can now be specified per lead. |
10.018.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Fixed bug which prevented the creation of new stock takes. |
10.018.001 | System | Navbar & Menus | Changes made to search bar. There is now a delay while typing before the list is searched in an effort to reduce lag. |
10.018.001 | System | Misc | Importing from the data viewer no longer requires the pkey column as long as the unique code column is present. |
10.018.001 | CRM | Mailshots/Letters | Fixed bug which prevented https:// links from opening when emailed. |
10.018.001 | CRM | Mailshots/Letters | Ensured images which are dragged from computer into letter writer are inserted in the correct location. |
10.018.001 | CRM | Mailshots/Letters | When creating a new mailshot we now set the margins to 0.5 rather than 3 by default. |
10.018.001 | System | Query Builder | Fixed issue where scroll bar on columns list would change position when a column was selected. |
10.018.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Fixed a bug where changing bank code on purchase account would clear nomcode, deptcode etc. |
10.018.001 | Accounts | Order | New Pro Forma invoice layout printable from orders window. |
10.018.001 | System | Gui4 | Windows cannot be restored to less than 100 height and 200 width |
10.018.001 | CRM | Diary | Fixed bug where diary appointments could clash with themselves when editing the text without changing the date |
10.018.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Each supplier can have a default consolidation freight method set |
10.018.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | Deliveries and Consolidations tab has been split into two separate tabs |
10.018.001 | Accounts | Misc | Addition of modified state calculations throughout the sales ledger |
10.018.001 | Accounts | Misc | Addition of modified state calculations throughout the purchase ledger |
10.018.005 | Stock | Ledger | Adjusted the movements tab layout for windows so that everything fits |
10.018.005 | Accounts | Contracts | Lineal users can add a quote from a list of contracts, so you don’t have to open the contract first. |
10.018.005 | Accounts | Contracts | Lineal contracts populate the Quote section correctly |
10.018.005 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Lineal invoice system updates Inv Totals correctly when amending line Qty |
10.018.005 | CRM | Leads | Fixed bug where the source dropdown would include source notes ion the options |
10.018.005 | CRM | Leads | Fixed prompt on adding a lead source that was not in the lead source table so that it would display properly |
10.018.005 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | Added a field to save the Australian Tax Office (ATO) BAS instalment rate for the current financial year. |
10.018.005 | Finance | Ledger | Australian Tax Office (ATO) Business Activity Statement (BAS) now supported |
10.018.005 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed problem which resulted in payment types displaying as 1-6 |
10.018.005 | CRM | Emails | Improved speed and reliability for IMAP email reading. |
10.018.005 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | New setting allows stock costs to automatically update based on the most recent purchase invoice |
10.018.005 | Stock | Misc | New utility allows the user to automatically recalculate all stock lines based on most recent purchase order or most recent purchase invoice. |
10.018.005 | Stock | Reports | Stock movements report optimised when using a subset of stock items. |
10.018.005 | Finance | Ledger | Added no of items count to unreconciled bank transaction tab |
10.018.005 | Manufacturing | Process Routes | Fixes to calculations of predicted times |
10.018.005 | Manufacturing | Process Routes | Actual lag time now calculated from step delay |
10.018.005 | Finance | Ledger | Removed references to TAX for UK, replaced with VAT |
10.018.005 | Accounts | Order/receiving | If specified on the product a PO line cannot be received without specifying a Lot Number |
10.018.005 | System | Misc | Clicking on the first line of a filter list (next to search bar) will no longer cause an error |
10.019.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Batch certificates and other documentation can be dragged in and set against a PO delivery line when receiving stock |
July 2021
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.016.003 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Fixed a display issue that presented when saving a PO delivery |
10.016.003 | Accounts | Order/receiving | When preferences require a PO to be linked to an SO you are now able to cancel the order despite not having a link |
10.016.003 | Finance | Journals | The New/Duplicate/Edit Journal screens can now export the journal lines using RM Click option |
10.016.003 | Finance | Journals | When changing the date of a Journal on Line 1, you will now be prompted to change ALL lines to new value. This is required when you Duplicate an existing Journal from a different period. |
10.017.001 | CRM | Leads | Leads sources will now look up from the lead sources table for the drop down choice. Sources can be restricted to only entries from this table via a new CRM preference. |
10.017.001 | System | Printing/Exporting V2 | Fixed a bug where selecting output as preview for certain reports was not working |
10.017.001 | Stock | Stock Take | Fixed a bug where the preference for making nominal journals when doing stock audits was not being respected. |
10.017.001 | Accounts | Deliveries/Consolidations | Users are no longer allowed to recieve stock from a purchase order with a delivery date set in the future. |
10.017.001 | CRM | Emails | In email tab under crm tab. Draging emails from mailbox into sqlworks could result in emails with no body text or html being saved. This is no longer allowed |
10.017.001 | Accounts | Reports | Fixed totals column in PL Orders report when sorting by stock code. |
10.017.001 | Stock | Misc | Description has been removed from stock lookup. |
10.017.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Stock tab anual summary tab export now has month names in column headers. |
10.017.001 | Manufacturing | Process Routes | A process route can now be copied to another stock item via a right click menu on the workshop map |
10.017.001 | Manufacturing | Process Routes | When copying a process route to a new stock item you are given the option to make it the default route |
10.017.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Costs now display at correct dp |
10.017.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Process route cost panel redesigned for clarity |
10.017.001 | Stock | Reports | More space given to display stock qty on movements report |
10.017.001 | CRM | Contacts | When setting up contacts for B2B access, the button to send them their login details now opens an email window prepopulated with the necessary information. |
10.017.002 | Accounts | Order | Added invoiced status as a searchable option for order line detail, |
10.017.002 | CRM | Projects | Added a page for quote notes to the spec pack and job folder |
10.017.002 | CRM | Projects | Added filter type to show all active versions and added a total by account manager to pipeline anaysis report |
10.017.002 | CRM | Projects | Fixed bug where the care job pack was not correctly loading th work appointments for the project |
10.017.002 | System | Misc | Added utility to create a SQLWorks change log document to send out to clients with updates |
10.017.002 | CRM | Diary | Fixed a bug which prevented diary appointments from being moved via drag and drop. |
10.017.002 | Accounts | Order/receiving | We now indicate if the purchase order is a Forward Order type in the Orders Tab. |
10.017.002 | Accounts | Ledger | Added a value per supplier to indicate when a PO moves from being a Forward Order to a live Order. If vlaue is zero, then the systemn value will be used. |
10.017.002 | Stock | Transactions & History | Show in the dashboard if the Cust or Purchase order is a Forward Order type |
10.017.002 | Accounts | Order | Fixed issue where price would be changed even if P&D rules were set to not apply when changing the delivery address |
10.017.002 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Adjusted payment data import to look for the default analysis code for the account manager instead of just the override. |
10.017.002 | Accounts | Order | If the qty is ammended to 0 on the last line of a delivery note, the delivery note is now deleted. |
10.017.002 | CRM | Companies | Companies list no longer loads the first line on entry (unless history lists are enabled) |
10.017.002 | System | Query Builder | Fixed a bug preventing the query data from being exported |
10.017.002 | System | Query Builder | A blank column is added to the end of preview list so all columns have the correct width. |
10.017.002 | System | Query Builder | Fixed bug where a query would attempt to be created when no base table was selected. |
10.017.002 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | Payment methods now stored in a grid. Transaction fees can be specified by payment type. |
10.017.002 | Accounts | Receipts/Allocs | If the payment type has a specified transaction type, either a payment will be added to a purchase account or a sundry cash record will be added to cover this fee. |
10.017.002 | System | Pref & Function Objects | Stoped message regarding unknown UD fields from appearing |
10.017.005 | Accounts | Order | Orders tab address tab now has copy to clipboard button. |
10.017.005 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Transactions tab address tab now has copy to clipboard button. |
10.017.005 | Accounts | Order | Search box on orders tab now searches for delivery numbers. |
10.017.005 | System | Logs (server, error etc) | Audit Log renamed to Change Log |
10.017.005 | Accounts | Misc | Updated reset contract paid dates utility so that paid dates can be cleared |
10.017.005 | System | Printing/Exporting | Quotes and Orders wiill include their transaction number in the file name by default |
10.017.005 | Stock | Ledger | Fixes to BOM cost caclulations regarding uplift |
10.017.005 | System | Query Builder | Fixed Bug which meant if you tried to order by a concatinated column, the query would fail. |
10.017.005 | CRM | Projects | Added DP only options to sash window lines |
10.017.005 | CRM | Projects | Added underfloor section to payment elements |
10.017.005 | CRM | Projects | Added preference to change how the percent split between DP and CosyGlazing components is calculated |
10.017.005 | CRM | Reports | Added an option to print the surveyor conversion report by account manager |
10.017.005 | Finance | Journals | Added company name to the text of journals automatically created from deposits made on a project |
10.017.005 | CRM | Projects | When making a new phase, a prompt has been added to copy payment elements over |
10.017.005 | CRM | Projects | Creating a new version now copies the emails from the previous version |
10.017.005 | CRM | Projects | Created ventilation forms for the Spec and Job packs |
10.017.005 | CRM | Projects | Projects will now be sorted by name after other sorting is applied |
10.017.005 | CRM | Companies | Fixed the new company window so that SL and PL creation is not apparent in a non-accounting installation |
10.017.005 | System | Timers | If a scheduled daily timer runs early, the next timer start will be on the same day if possible. |
10.017.005 | CRM | Projects | Adjusted labels on care forms |
10.017.005 | CRM | Reports | Added new columns to the Project Contacts report |
10.017.005 | Stock | Ledger | Added Economic Order Qty (EOQ) which will be the default order qty when this item is selected in PL or WO |
10.017.005 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Bug fixes to ensure min purchase qty is honoured if specified |
10.017.005 | CRM | Diary | Fixed bug where the list view of the diary would not filter by layers selected |
10.017.005 | CRM | Diary | Ensured appointments made would add their initials to the diary list view |
10.017.005 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Lot number selection now shows bin and warehouse information |
10.017.005 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Lot number selection within a WO is restricted to the same warehouse as the component |
10.017.005 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Fixed label printing capability for web orders |
10.018.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Added completion controls for process routes to completion tab in Works order |
10.018.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | Works Orders will now plot future dates and runtime considering workcenter availaibly |
10.018.001 | Accounts | Accounts Prefs | A check is now made to make sure ALL actions for MTD are run on Macs with OSX 10.15 (Catalina), or higher, eg, Big Sur |
10.018.001 | CRM | Projects | Changed Invoice reference code so if we have an invoice on the tenth or greater fee prop. the code will display correctly. |
10.018.001 | CRM | Misc | LAMP tasks which are not for SQLWorks team now create and send an email to lineals freshdesk address. |
10.018.001 | Accounts | Ledger | Added option to alert a client when they are put on CREDIT HOLD, including a date of that action |
June 2021
Version | Category | Sub Area | External Notes |
10.015.013 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Works order schedule cost per item is now calculated correctly |
10.015.013 | Core | Pref & Function Objects | When prefs are modified, all users will now reload the new preferences. |
10.015.013 | Accounts | Misc | Journal window has been updated to be clearer for Add to VAT ledger function |
10.015.013 | Accounts | Misc | VAT window now calculates the boxes correctly for Add to VAT ledger function |
10.015.013 | Accounts | Misc | VAT drill down list is much faster to show the detail lines. |
10.015.013 | Accounts | Misc | VAT drill down now calculates correctly for Add to VAT ledger function |
10.015.013 | Accounts | Misc | Fraud headers not tested by client, just emailed to Lineal. |
10.015.013 | Stock | Price and discount | The P&D screen has had a number of cosmetic changes for ease of use |
10.015.013 | Stock | Price and discount | The P&D screen will now prompt to save when leaving with unsaved changes |
10.015.013 | Stock | Ledger | Non-Stocked Item selection is now a radio button in stock ordering tab |
10.015.013 | Stock | Ledger | stock location field added to stock ordering tab in stock ledger |
10.015.013 | Core | Users/Userprefs | Admin users can amend user prefs for their staff |
10.015.020 | Stock | Pricing | Expanded options to choose RRP for retail price customers |
10.015.020 | Accounts | Reports | Added report for stock prices per customer in the sales ledger, taking P&D rules into account |
10.015.020 | Stock | Price and discount | Changed PAD details to not show duplicate/unnecessary information |
10.015.020 | Added a new excel import to update client types | ||
10.015.020 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Material cost per item now calculated correctly. |
10.015.020 | Accounts | Reports | New Order List SL report option to only show orders which have been part shipped. |
10.015.020 | Accounts | Quote | Fixed Bug preventing Quotes from saving on a lead. |
10.015.020 | Accounts | Order | New checks seek to alert the user when we believe the user is opening an order which in already being viewed. |
10.015.020 | Core | Misc | Fixed problem which would cause a unnessesary message to pop up during sign out. |
10.015.020 | Stock | Stock movements & Qty | Order report now correctly shows warehouse qty. |
10.015.020 | Core | Users/Userprefs | Fixed prompt which made no sense when creating a new user. |
10.015.020 | Instead of asking the user if we should email a FeeProp, we ask if we should save the fee prop to the project folder. | ||
10.015.020 | When creating a new project, we now automatically create a new company if none were provided. | ||
10.015.020 | CRM | Leads | Changing ‘lead source’ now correctly sets the record as modified, allowing it to be saved |
10.015.020 | Core | Pref & Function Objects | Numeric columns with decimal places are exported to Excel as number fields with thousand seperator (i.e 1,000.00) |
10.015.022 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Updated the prompt behaviour when detecting changes in the price of an invoice |
10.015.022 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Updated the prompt behaviour when detecting changes in the price of an invoice |
10.015.022 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Added conditions for not applying price and discount rules when editing invoices if the invoice comes from a quote or order |
10.015.022 | Core | Base4 | General stability fixes within core data process |
10.015.022 | Accounts | Ledger | Cancelling edits to a sales ledger account will now also visibly cancel unsaved edits and additions to the P&D rules. |
10.015.022 | Core | Base Classes | Navigating away from a record being edited and choosing not to save will now correctly reset everything. |
10.015.022 | Accounts | Misc | When adding a new cashbook entry from the VAT ledger, you now cannot enter values into the Tax fields. |
10.016.001 | Accounts | Misc | Added T1 – T4 fields for Australian BAS production. |
10.016.001 | Accounts | Misc | Fixed problem preventing turnover tab filtering by nominal code in the debt history tab |
10.016.001 | Core | Error Handler | Prevented an odd message regarding transaction mode from appearing. |
10.016.001 | Core | Error Handler | Fixed string of errors created when recieving a purchase delivery. |
10.016.001 | Stock | Stock Take | When printing check sheets there is a new prompt to remove confusion about whether all or just the current sheet will be printed |
10.016.001 | Stock | Stock Take | You are now able to create a stock take based on Bin + Brand combination |
10.016.001 | System | SW prefs/Client Data | B2B 2FA codes will now be tagged as the company auth codes rather than SQLWorks. |
10.016.001 | Accounts | B2B | Clicking the logo will now return the user to the home page |
10.016.001 | Accounts | B2B | Quantities in the basket will now display as a whole number |
10.016.001 | Accounts | B2B | Back orders message has been amended |
10.016.001 | Stock | Order Allocation | Order pick sheets are now restricted to only show stock in pick and bulk bin locations |
10.016.001 | System | Misc | Adjusted exports so that they will not prompt twice to replace a file if it already exists. |
10.016.001 | CRM | Diary | Fixed issue where selecting a group on the diary screen would show appointments for all users instead of just those in that group |
10.016.001 | CRM | Diary | Fixed issue where unselecting a user while all users is selected would not hide that user |
10.016.001 | Stock | Transactions & History | History by clients list export now uses month names for column headers |
10.016.001 | CRM | Projects | Added special plexi required option to the project summary tab. This will be displayed on house detail forms |
10.016.001 | CRM | Projects | Added What Three Words to the project site address tab. This will be displayed on all payment element lists in the spec pack and job folders. |
10.016.001 | System | Timers | Fixed bug which resulted in users being kicked out after being logged in consistently for 7 days. |
10.016.001 | Stock | Price and discount | Changed rule name label to be more clear on both stock ledger and sales ledger P&D tabs |
10.016.001 | Accounts | Order | Added Channel Islands and Isle of Man to list of countries that carriage can apply to |
10.016.001 | Accounts | Order/receiving | When printing an order request, you now choose order lines and qty before selecting a print destination rather than after. |
10.016.001 | Manufacturing | Works Order Groups | Fixed a problem which would cause the loss of any engineering documents assigned to a product whenever the user creates a works order from a customer order. |
10.016.001 | Accounts | Reports | New default report for customer order deliveries. |
10.016.001 | System | SW Prefs/Client Data | Fixed a message that would appear when issuing an update if core system tables have been modified. |
10.016.001 | System | Gui4 | Prevented an unwanted prompt from appearing during the save process. |
10.016.003 | CRM | File Store | When adding a document to a quote or order with one line, the document will be assigned to this line automaticaly. |
May 2021
Version | Module | Sub Area | External Notes |
10015 | Stock | Stock Take | Stock take willl now prompt for stock movement date and warn if that date is locked |
10015 | CRM | Leads | Actions grid on leads list now displays date of action rather than date of action creation |
10015 | CRM | Companies | Reports for Companies can now be output to RTF and a special SQLWorks format. |
10015 | Accounts | Order/receiving | Fixed a bug which caused a message regarding engineering docs to appeear when emailing an order when no such docs exist. |
10015 | CRM | File Store | New Document window automatically displays scaled image |
10015 | Manufacturing | Works Order Window | Fixed a redraw issue when dragging documents into the window |
10015 | Manufacturing | Works Order Processing | You can now delete works orders as long as no stock has been moved, process route has not been completed and there is no locked QA test associated with it |
10015 | Core | Reporting | Reports can be saved as RTF and a few other new formats. There is the option of then emailing the completed report to a person. |
10015 | Accounts | Account | Corrections to the prompted error messages during account check |
10015 | Accounts | Account | Corrections to the prompted error messages during account check |
10015 | Stock | Ledger | On stock check we now only check nominal usage for valid nominal codes |
10015 | Stock | Ledger | Removed “Trade Discount Rate” field, trade discount can be set at SL account level or customised via pricing and discounting |
10015 | Core | Search Bars | Most search fields above lists will now extend when the list is made bigger |
10015 | Core | Reporting | Made the reports menu more visible on windows machines |
10015 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | Added Postponed VAT checks and option to amend values if transaction is not locked |
10015 | Accounts | Order | New checks when creating delivery notes. Cannot deliver more than what is outstanding on the order. |
10015 | Accounts | Invoices/Credit Notes | New Checks when invoicing deliveries lets you know when a delivery is underinvoiced |
10015 | CRM | Tasks | Added an alert that will warn if user assigned tassk could not be loaded due to mis-configured security settings |
10015 | Added gross amount calculations so that window display amount matches agreed invoice amount | ||
10015 | Stock | Transactions & History | Additional restrictions added to stock movement creation |
10015 | CRM | Companies | When making a new company we always ask if we want to add it to the SL |
10015 | Core | Navbar & Menus | A new menu option exists that will reset all window display options for the signed in user |
10015 | Finance | Audit | Carry forward balances utility does additional checks |
10015 | Fixed the supplier / product info when moving quote options to order | ||
10015 | Core | Users/Userprefs | Users are now able to change their password from the user menu in SQLWorks. |
10015 | Core | Pref & Function Objects | Improvments to the Excel export including variable column widths, column alignment & column formats |
April 2021
Module | Version | External Notes | New Feature? |
PR | 1015 | Fixed prompts when making new companies so it won’t ask to add a sales or purchase account if there is no address | |
MAN | 1014 | New WIP stock report. Shows qty and value of stock currently under construction. | |
STK | 1014 | New column in the projected and processed transactions tabs called ‘Ref’ For works orders this column will show the customer order which is connected to the works order. Any other transaction type will show ‘Our Ref’ for that transaction | Y |
PL | 1014 | Fixed a bug preventing the user from assigning a purchase invoice to a different client | |
NOM | 1014 | Nominal Journals can now update either the Net value or the Tax value in the Tax (VAT/GST) module | Y |
VAT | 1014 | HMRC VAT Fraud Headers Vers 3 is now supported for MTD | Y |
VAT | 1014 | Postponed Import VAT from freight handlers is now supported in PL Invoices & VAT MTD | Y |
SYS | 1014 | Users can identify technical information to aid support by showing values when needed. Details will be provided by the support agent when needed. | Y |
PDD | 1014 | Added P/order value (ex VAT) to Delivery Header Complex window | Y |
STK | 1014 | Change to available qty calculation – if stock is pending it is not considered as available, e.g. delivery notes that have left the building | |
STK | 1014 | QA Certificates can be printed in preview without locking. | |
STK | 1014 | QA Certificates can be printed before WO is build | |
PR | 1014 | Address Tabs now show which is the Main Address for the company | Y |
STK | 1012 | Added column to P&D to set a unit price per when the price rule applies | Y |
VAT | 1012 | A new date field has been added to show when the last Calculate Tax option has been run. Useful for Australian BAS production. | Y |
PL | 1012 | Disabled return key = new line on PL delivery window | |
STK | 1012 | Saving a PL invoice will no longer update the default cost for a product since the discount is unknown, this feature is now only available during saving of the PO. | |
NOM | 1012 | Fixed a bug where changing Nominal codes for multi transactions was not allowed. | |
PL | 1012 | In Purchase order receiving window, the label which said cancel order line has been changed to cancel remaining quantity. | |
SL | 1012 | Quote, order, invoice details sections have a new button to allow the user to look up customer specific parts. | |
SL | 1012 | Quantity’s on order list sl report will now show decimal places | |
MAN | 1012 | Stock batches now track source batch (for transfers) as well as maintaining links to the PO or WO that generated them | |
MAN | 1012 | Lot number generation for built WO batches | |
MAN | 1012 | Lot number tracking against component items during Work Order builds | Y |
STK | 1012 | QA Certificate System | Y |
SL | 1012 | Redesigned “Double” Layout for quote, order and invoice windows | |
PR | 1012 |
Added field for company domain name to be recorded, along with website, and main email address. In utility screen, there is an option to auto set this data from existing data |
Y |
SL | 1012 | Prevented imported quotes, orders and invoices from being affected by P&D, ensuring consistency in the data. | Y |
March 2021
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
MAIN | 1011 | The About SQLWorks window now shows technical information to assist support enquiries. | Y |
VAT | 1011 | Updated SQLWorks for MTD v3 fraud prevention headers | Y |
STK | 1010 | Added utility to export pricing rules in P&D to a CSV file. | Y |
SL | 1010 | Fixes to order and quote number sequence check utility | |
STK | 1010 | Added Lot number selection to works orders | |
CRM | 1010 | Fixed bug preventing notifications created by client reviews from sending. | |
MAN | 1010 | Fixed Bug preventing cancel quantities being entered for works orders where the quantity is less than 0.5 | |
STK | 1010 | New Assets tab available for purchase ledger. | |
STK | 1010 | Can now see all purchase orders linked to an asset in the assets window | |
STK | 1010 | Can now assign a purchase order to an asset | |
STK | 1010 | Can now assign a purchase account to an asset. | |
STK | 1010 | Customer part numbers against stock items are now searchable | Y |
STK | 1010 | Added utility to import pricing rules, including against specific stock items or sales accounts | Y |
ALL | 1010 | To improve performance, the first account is not automatically loaded when you first open any account window. This might be limited to when using a VPN connection in the futire or set as a user option | Y |
SL | 1010003 | Expanded section on shipment weight in quotes orders and invoices to allow for net, tare and gross weight | |
Bank | 1010003 | Updated cashbook bank check utility |
February 2021
Module | Version | Published Notes |
New Feature? |
Sales | 10009 | Sales monthly summary now accounts for part complete orders | |
Sales | 10009 | Sales History analysis now shows a breakdown list at the bottom | |
Stock | 10009 | Stock ledger summary header tab now accounts for deliveries which hav not been invoiced | |
Stock | 10009 | Stock ledger Dashboard Orders group. added dispatch qty to cod list and rec qty to pod tab | |
Stock | 10009 | Bom Export now shows every level of components for an item. | |
Sales | 10009 | Invoices with a certificate will now print those when emailing | Y |
Stock | 10009 | When making a new copy from the stock ledger. The user is now able to copy the BOM to the new product. | Y |
Stock | 10009 | When making a new copy from the stock ledger. The user is now able to copy the production route to the new product. | Y |
Core | 10009 | Fixed date sorting in error log | |
STK | 10009 | Added stock utility to adjust the prices of all selected stock items by a specified percentage | Y |
SL/PL | 10009 | Set stock quantity display lists in transactions to only display as many decimal places as needed | |
STK | 10009 | Redesign of dispatch planner | |
STK | 10009 | A new preference setting has been added that allows you to automatically generate stock if there is not enough when processing invoices, this advance stock is automatically depleted when new stock is received and can be limited to only allow advance stock up to the outstanding PO/WO value | Y |
STK | 10009 | When prompting to chose a del no to invoice, only Un invoiced dispatch nos are listed | |
STK | 10009 | No prompt given about which dispatch note to invoice if there is only one to choose | |
STK | 10009 | WO in and WO out qty now listed separately in stock screen | |
PL | 10009 | Complete consolidation journals get the same JNO reference | |
PL | 10009 | Fixed the halting of purchase orders to correctly show messages and open existing halted orders successfully. | |
Stock | 10009 | Added report for counting into warehouse for all deliveries on a Consolidation | Y |
Stock | 10009 | When making a new copy of a product with a bill of materials and/or process routes, the user will be given the option to copy these over to the new product before saving. | |
Assets | 10009 | Minor bug fixes in Asset edit window | |
Assets | 10009 | Renamed Equipment to Asset | |
Sales | 10009 | Can now save documents to invoices without first saving the invoice. | Y |
Stock | 10009 | Can now see forward order status in transactions tab. | Y |
Stock | 10009 | New notes fields in the stock ledger. One will carry over to sales order notes, the other will carry over to purchase order notes. | Y |
Sales | 10009 | New dispatched orders report shows every dispatch with products and qtys for a given date range. | Y |
Sales | 10009 | New report Sales History Analysis shows all quotes orders and invoices and totals by month. | Y |
Sales | 10009 | New report Sales Monthly Summary shows totals for each month | Y |
Sales | 10009 | Certificates attached to a batch will be brought over to invoices | Y |
Manufacturing | 10009 | Certificates attached to a batch will be brought over to a works order when taking stock | Y |
Accounts | 10009 | Can now set a certificate document type in accounts prefs. | Y |
January 2021
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
STK | 10008 | Added on cost standard field to stock | |
SL | 10007 | Added 2ndEORI number for Northern Ireland for each Sales account | |
Setup | 10007 | Added 2ndEORI number for Northern Ireland | |
CORE | 10007 | New windows will now open with their own preset size and position rather than system default | |
STOCK | 10007 | Added WOP qty to projected stock report | |
STOCK | 10007 | Removed the need to set a product as a kit – all fields now visible by default | |
SL | 10007 | Bu fix to correct the order summary report to use the order date, rather than date entered | |
MAIN | 10006 | Added sort function to all lists in the Caliach Vision Data Viewer window | |
CRM | 10006 | Test added for two iCal calendars with the same name. | Y |
CRM | 10006 | Fixed issue from Nominal transaction list for GetInfo | |
CORE | 10006 | GetInfo will no longer throw an error if used with a list that does not support it | |
ALL | 10006 | If history lists are turned on (for stock, SL, PL and company lists) the list will show the last viewed item rather than the top item in the list |
December 2020
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
PL | 10006 | Fixed setting Delivery Country in Purchase Orders | |
STK | 10006 | BOM / Kit tab now only visible if you have works orders enabled | |
core | 10006 | Fixed a problem where SQLWorks would not remember the last size and location of windows after logging out and in. | |
Core | 10006 | Fixed graphical problem causing search boxes to appear in the wrong place | |
SL | 10006 | Fixed a problem in the stock tab in the sales ledger where descriptions were incorrect. | |
SL | 10006 | When printing invoices to pdf we no longer prompt page setup. | |
Docs | 10006 | Fixed problem which prevented new documents saving correctly. | |
PL | 10006 | Admins can now add/remove PO from consolidations while they are ‘In Transit’ | Y |
PL | 10006 | When adding PO lines, if the header DUE DATE is after the LINE item Due date, the line item DUE DATE will be set to match the header value. Then items will never arrive earlier, but could come later. | Y |
PL | 10006 | Fixed issue where the orders tab wasn’t loading halted items in the purchase ledger | |
SL | 10006 | Fixes to print unprinted invoices routine to correctly print an invoice selection | |
Stock | 10006 | Added functionality to copy Pricing and Discounting rules when duplicating stock items | Y |
Documents | 10006 | Removed older “Crystal reports” and “Letters” sections from “Document Management”, added new letters section to “CRM” |
November 2020
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
SL | 10006 | Engineering Documents linked to order lines will be carried over to works orders | |
SL | 10006 | Users are now able to link a document to an order line. | |
SL | 10006 | Added a new option when allowing back orders in the sales ledger. Ring first before allowing back order. | Y |
PL | 10005 | Updated the design of the PL remittance report | |
PR List | 10005 | Added hourly rate to employees table. This is set as a hidden field and can be used in manufacturing costing processes | |
Stock | 10005 | Increased number of DP for the cost of components from 3 suppliers | Y |
PL | 10005 | Added default Warehouse to take stock from and build W/O for suppliers marked as ‘Internal’ | Y |
SL | 10005 | Bug fixes to allow change of payment type in SL receipt window | |
SL | 10005 | Can now enter a cancel qty when cancelling order lines. | |
Stock | 10005 | Barcodes can now be made in EAN13 format, and printed onto POS labels | Y |
ALL | 10004 | New change log now shows a window where you can track changes to the record – use filters to see just for a single column, user or date range | Y |
October 2020
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
SL/PL/CMP | 10004 | Added history list option to SL PL and Company windows that records the last 50 companies viewed, keeping the most recent on top so that you can quickly jump to a recent company or account. Open the history list by clicking the logo to the left of the search box | Y |
SL | 10004 | Increase SL account notes to 10000 char limit | |
DOCS | 10004 | Fixed problem when viewing document meta data. | |
CRM | 10004 | Added Print Analysis button in Diary screen (Wide mode version) | Y |
PL | 10004 | Show longer Stock description in consolidation screens | |
BANK | 10004 | Restricted the ability for the user to amend bank transfer records, if needed these must now be corrected with a reversing transaction | |
NOM | 10004 | Corrected the calculation of the P&L totals line as seen from the balance sheet report | |
NOM | 10004 | Added option to print a balance sheet showing figures after appropriation | |
NOM | 10004 | Corrected sign of the retained profit in nominal edit window | |
NOM | 10004 | Added a check to make sure that the SQLWorks control nominal code must sum to zero after a nominal audit | |
PL | 10004 | Added Forward Order flag to PO Tab | |
Stock | 10004 | Re-order report now only show active stock items. | |
Stock | 10004 | New option when printing a variance report shows all stock items which have been checked. | |
CORE | 10004 | If emails fail to send the user is now given the option to attempt to resend. | |
ALL | 10004 | All records that are updated in SQLWorks record their changes in a change history log by default | |
ALL | 10004 | Changes to the save system will now check and block a save if you are modifying a record at the same time as another user. The first attempt to save will be allowed, the second attempt will be blocked and reported as a failure | |
ALL | 10004 | Have implement a save versioning system so that if 2 people are working on a record, one will be able to save while the other will not (but is warned) | |
STK | 10004 | New preference to control whether product code is applied automatically | |
STK | 10004 | Fixes to supplier 3, minor redesign of tab to include dedicated product name of key suppliers | |
SL | 10004 | VAT country is now set to either the final destination country or the delivery country (if set) | |
PL | 10004 | Fixed issue where variance records were incorrectly blocking the deallocation process | |
PL | 10004 | Multiple fixes and updates in account checking utilities | |
ADMIN | 10004 | When creating new users, you will now be warned if the userid you have entered already exist | |
CRM | 10004 | When setting up a new company, the email address for the default contact is now calculated as the default email address for the company. | |
BANK | 10004 | Fixed bug which prevented editing cashbook records | |
PL | 10004 | Fixed bug which prevented importing purchase invoices from (.csv) files. | |
PROJECT | 10004 | Finance tab now shows linked SL and PL lines | |
PROJECT | 10004 | Can now open invoices from Project PL details tab | |
SL | 10004 | Fixed the ‘link balance qty’ option on a sales order so that it allows you to update the qty from an invoice line that is already linked | |
ACCOUNTS | 10004 | Added a button that allows you to open a linked order from the transactions tab | |
DOCS | 10003 | When opening a file from SQLWorks, it will now prompt to replace a previously opened version, in case two documents share the same name. | Y |
STK | 10003 | Added ability to investigate why there is pending qty by right clicking on the field in the stock ledger | Y |
September 2020
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
NOM | 10003 | Added fields for budget table planning. Link to Company now for finer detail on planning | Y |
PL | 10003 | Bug fixes that prevented opening PL invoices and checking for previous occurrences of supplier invoice number on save | |
PL | 10003 | Added criteria to Outstanding Orders report so a to and from delivery date can be selected and changed report heading to ‘Outstanding Orders’ | |
STOCK | 10003 | You can multiple select entries in the Stock Dashboard for selected totals | Y |
CRM | 10003 | Fixed the display of the date when manually synchronising the diary. | |
STK | 10003 | New icon in WO component list to show stock availability at a glance | |
SL | 10003 | Bug fixes for head office invoicing system | |
STK | 10003 | Available stock updates after taking/building in a WO0 | |
STK | 10003 | Serial number prefixes now working with WO | |
SL | 10003 | NewAccountsPref ‘Group Invoices by due date on dashboard.’ Allows the user to choose if invoices should be grouped by invoice date or due date on the dashboard in the sales ledger. | Y |
SL | 10003 | If pricing and discounting is enabled and we are changing client on an order, we prompt the user to ask if the order should be repriced. | |
VAT | 10003 | Added additional columns to the VAT transaction report window to show the amount being included in vat calculations. This is to help with investigation work and they are also included in the export | |
PL | 10003 | Fixed bug when sending purchase orders to invoice. | |
CORE | 1003 | When you choose to ‘Expand a List’ and you select a number of lines, then the totals are shown just for those selected lines. | Y |
WO | 10003 | WO take slider remains visable at all times | |
WO | 10003 | WO take qty can be specified in correct decimal places | |
SL | 10003 | SL transaction search now does not search for variance and settlement records. | |
Sales | 10003 | Changed layout on delivery notes to match invoice. | |
WO | 10003 | Works order groups now remain visible on internal PL accounts | |
LEAD | 10003 | Quote duplication fixed for leads | |
LEAD | 10003 | Lead quote conversion fixed | |
SL | 10003 | Bug fix that was preventing date calendar chooser prompts to open | |
ALL | 10003 | Transactions can be modified even after they are submitted via MTD, though VAT related info required to reproduce the invoice cannot be changed | |
PL | 10003 | Allowed Purchase account Is Internal Flag to be searchable for list of accounts | Y |
MRP | 10003 | Changes to documents on works orders. Now allows documents to new works orders without first saving. | Y |
Sales | 10003 | Orders with a lot of order lines now open more quickly. | |
swCore6 | 10003 | Changes should ensure windows users will always return to the sign in window after an update. |
August 2020
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
CRM | 10003 | Added Move Green Arrows for user list on diary entry view (Right side view only) | |
CRM | 10003 | Each user can set the diary data view, Top, Bottom or Right. | Y |
CRM | 10003 | Diary data now shown on right for bigger calendar view | Y |
SYS | 10003 | Added Windows menu that had gone | |
SYS | 10003 | Added Quit option for Windows users | |
SYS | 10003 | Added option to Compress Nom by different levels in Accounst Prefs | Y |
SL | 10002 | When duplicating a quote we now give the option to close the old one. | |
SL | 10002 | New columns added to sales margin report. Profit and markup | |
Bank | 10002 | Auto setting of the cheque number can now be set by PL or SL or Both. | Yes |
Bank | 10002 | Bank screen now shows last cheque & pay in slip ref numbers | Yes |
PL | 10002 | Due dates added to WO |
July 2020
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
STK | 10002 | Fixed MRP complete prompt | |
STK | 10002 | Fixed a bug where some tooltips in the stock ledger would not display correctly | |
STK | 10002 | If no active batches loaded, ALL Batches are loaded. | |
SL | 10002 | Orders can be sent to invoice from the order window. Order will close during this process | |
CRM | 10002 | Added ‘No User’ to list of users when assigning a task in VPN mode. | |
CRM | 10002 | Fixed bug where the user couldn’t search for Task id number while in VPN mode. | |
CRM | 10002 | New Load detail button for task edit window while in VPN mode. | |
PURCH | 10002 | Fixed problme showing Allocation date in Xref tab. | |
SYS | 10002 | Added ‘Clear’ option for SL & PL contact types in Setup Window | Y |
DOCS | 10002 | Improvements to the remove document option with better error checking and reporting | |
STOCK | 10002 | Added functionality to create discount percent rules for transaction lines based on stock item, qty, date and more. | Y |
PRLIST | 10002 | Fixes to the warning prompts when adding new company | |
STOCK | 10002 | Added schedule notes tab to WO | |
STOCK | 10002 | Added engineering tag type for files so that they can be added to WO documents by default | |
STOCK | 10002 | Added engineering documents to WO window, option to print these as additonal docs when printing WO | |
STOCK | 10002 | Added engineering notes to stock with passthough to new WO window | |
STOCK | 10002 | Changes to the stock movement screen so that it honours the system default warehouse and bin | |
DOC | 10002 | Fixes to prevent accidental deletion of files using the file browser | |
SL/ PL | 10002 | When the default payment method is set for each account this will pe used when setting up a payment. | |
SL | 10002 | Can now set a default report per sales account for statements, invoices, orders, quotes, credit notes. | |
STK | 10001 | Added additional checks to detect broken allocation records | |
CRM | 10001 | Task Statistics report added to show performance per week | Y |
BANK | 10001 | Statement list now shows Open & Close balance values | Y |
June 2020
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
SL | 10001 | Can now set a default report per SL account for invoices, credit notes etc. | |
SL | 10001 | Audit logging is working for orders. | |
CRM | 10001 | When running ‘Set default address’ utility the current address is first checked to ensure it is valid. If it is invalid we give it a valid address. | |
BNK | 10001 | When running the utility ‘Check Bank Recs Match Trans’ you can now export the resulting lists. | |
BNK | 10001 | Changes to the “check bank statements” utility making the results easier to read | |
MAIN | 10001 | Backup process can now send through a more secure FTP system to our backup storage to keep copies safe. | Y |
MAIN | 10001 | Display the tables that have Audit turned ON in the Sys Prefs window | Y |
STK | 10001 | New Demand Planner feature is now available from navbar | Y |
STK | 10001 | Bug fixes in WO take stock process | |
STK | 10001 | Minor redesign of the stock pricing tab | |
STK | 10001 | Stock cost changes now include a ref identifying why they were changed | |
CRM | 10001 | Added NOTES field to task window. These notes do not get sent to client | Y |
CRM | 10001 | Enabled the PADLOCK to unlock task text. You need to unlock with ALT key pressed. | Y |
STK | 8017 | Stock availability moved to ordering tab | |
SL | 8017 | New warning for low stock when modifying the stock qty on an order or invoice. | Y |
SL | 8017 | Added a back order repot option to SL Orders report. | Y |
SL | 8017 | Added “Your Ref” field to SL transaction tab | |
CRM | 8017 | Columns reordered in Contracts TAB | Y |
CRM | 8017 | Task now show Days Since Last Modified column. If over 10 days, the line is RED | Y |
May 2020
Module | Version | Customer Notes | New Feature |
CORE | 8017 | Global Open Record will now correctly open Works Orders | |
STK | 8017 | New Works Orders report in stock ledger | |
STK | 8017 | WO now points to sales order line rather than sales order header | |
STK | 8017 | Works Order tab redesigned and estimated component qty information has been integrated into Works Order component list | |
SL | 8017 | Order due and order dispatch dates now correctly labelled as estimated dates | |
SL | 8017 | The red green blue load record buttons now work correctly for quotes, orders an invoices. | |
BANK | 8017 | Can now make bank accounts inactive. | |
STK | 8017 | Added 3 syncing modes to keep WO finish data, WO deadline and CO dispatch dates synchronised in various ways | |
CO | 8017 | Order delivery due and dispatch due dates are now correctly updated. Dispatch date (ship date) cannot be after delivery due date (cust receive date) | |
SL | 8017 | Can now right click on order line and open WO’s connected to it | |
STK | 8017 | Works Order groups now allow selection of customer order per WO | |
STK | 8017 | Redesign of the WO tab in stock ledger | |
STK | 8017 | Amending cost of a BOM, now updates parent items | |
NOM | 8017 | Changed the printing of P&L to show under/over values in RED | Y |
NOM | 8017 | Added display of P&L to show DBTs with () in record section and/or totals section | Y |
NOM | 8017 | Added choice to clear future budget values from P&L. | Y |
NOM | 8017 | Fixed export of P&L to file | Y |
CRM | 8016 | Now able to view Forwarded or replied to emails in the companies or project windows. | |
PR | 8016 | Company User Defined fields are now NOTES display type for entering larger values. | Y |
STK | 8016 | New qty levels added per stock item for trigger and reorder qty as applied to MRP | Y |
STK | 8016 | New preference added to stock to determine preference to PO or WO | Y |
STK | 8016 | New MRP window will now generate WO and PO based on variable time horizon | Y |
PL | 8016 | Changes to PL costs now cascade through all levels of BOM (If live settings are applied) | Y |
STK | 8016 | Back flushing and returns now available as part of Works order processing | Y |
April 2020
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
Accounts | 8016 | Each user can decide to show numeric columns with zeros as blank in the Quote/Order/Transaction tabs. | Y |
CRM | 8016 | Added Task last edit date & time to Task Lists | Y |
CRM | 8.016 | Can open a linked project from a diary entry. | |
SL/PL | 8.016 | Can now see transaction date in allocations table. | |
STOCK | 8.016 | Added Minimum stock value field to Print check sheet prompt. | |
UPDATE | 8.016 | Added seconds remaining timer to update working message. | |
UPDATE | 8.016 | Added error checking for fileops during update. | |
MAIN | 8016 | For a new install of SQLWorks, you will be prompted for database connection details. | Y |
SL | 8016 | Added Credit Note count and Account balance to service Charge list | Y |
SL | 8016 | If there are credit notes still left unallocated, then service charge invoices are prompted first | Y |
MAIN | 8016 | Fixed backup of serverless systems. | |
NOM | 8016 | Nominal data now shows variance values in Green / Red when looking at each record, when the Variance tab is enabled. | Y |
NOM | 8016 | Profit & Loss reports now show budget figure correctly for Loss/Gain | Y |
NOM | 8016 |
Budget plans now have a setting to set the Income values as Positive or Minus values. All data must store as : Income = Negative |
Y |
SALES | 8016 | Multiple customer order lines can be sent to standard WO from sales ledger | Y |
STK | 8016 | Works order may be unbuilt with stock either being returned to build bin, or default warehouse location | Y |
STK | 8016 | Auto update of stock price will cascade up the BOMs for that item (depending on preferences) | Y |
STK | 8016 | Redesign of Works order window | Y |
STK | 8016 | Resupply qty and additional restock qty added as part of MRP |
March 2020
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
ALL | 8.15 | Clients now able to use SQLWorks to submit/retrieve tax in accordance to MTD | Y |
February 2020
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
NOM | 8.14 | Corrected a bug that prevented get info from working for nominal journals in the nominal load trans list |
January 2020
Module | Version | Published Notes | New Feature? |
SL | 8.12 | Each Sales account can be prompted to print either Del Note, or Invoice after creating a new document. | Y |
DOCS | 812 | Exporting documents to the SQLWorks docs folder now adds the correct extension to the file name | |
DOCS | 812 | Changes to move file store utility to allow URL based files to be transferred to database storage | |
VAT | 812 | Added a check to look for items that contain VAT when they are coded to a nominal code that should not allow VAT | |
BANK | 812 | Petty cash transfers cannot contain VAT | |
DOC | 812 | When HTML only emails are read the plain text component will be extracted from HTML if no plain text component could be found | |
PRLIST | 812 | Company mail merge export now has info for details last confirmed | |
STK | 812 | Bill of materials can be imported from a file in kit details tab using drag & drop | Y |
December 2019
Module | Version | Published Notes | New? |
PL | 812 | PL search function now looks for CONTAINS values in Our Ref field. | Y |
STOCK | Stock Ledger Order allocation report was giving an error | ||
STOCK | Set kit info lookups to only read data from active kit items | ||
SL | Fixes to automatic credit control process | ||
DOCS | 812 | Document storage mode is restricted to off, internal or external =DB | |
NOM | 812 | When clicking on a 0 audit number record, a full was being done. Fixed this problem. | |
NOM | 812 | Nominal transactions can now be compressed by Audit code. Eg, debtors code now shows 1 line per invoice, and not each line by default. You can toggle the display to see all lines, or just the total per Audit Code. | Y |
SL | 8012 | My Activity tab can now show ALL activity. Click on RED toggle icon. | Y |
NOM | 8012 | Nominal ledger now allows you to right click a journal and reverse it. You will be able to set the date of the reverse journal but everything else will be handled automatically. | Y |
NOM | 8012 | Nominal ledger now allows you to duplicate a journal entry into a new journal then modify details from there. | Y |
NOM | 8012 | Nominal journal edit window now handles the entire transaction Instead of one nominal journal line. The edit window can only modify the date, description and reference. When changing the date the change can be applied to all lines. | Y |
GENERAL | 8011 | Employee section expanded to include bio and photo | Y |
STK | 8011 | Added option to filter stock list by product type from quick select menu |
November 2019
Module | Version | Published Notes | New? |
STK | 8011 | Colour, material and size now have a lookup to show previously entered values | |
STK | 8011 | Added ‘Show Outstanding W/no’ button | Y |
STK | 8011 | Added Works Order list to Stock Menu | Y |
PRLIST | 8011 | Fixes to the new company window, SL or PL tabs will automatically be enabled if created from the SL or PL | |
SL | 8011 | New preference allowing you to decide if outstanding orders are also put on hold with the account | Y |
NOM | 8011 | Corrected column data for T Account display | |
NOM | 8011 | Trial Balance has profit value added in totals. | Y |
CRM | 8011 | Changed the detection for corrupt emails during import. Better feedback given | Y |
CRM | 8011 | Prompt to delete imported emails after import. | Y |
CRM | 8011 | Saving the email headers and MIME lists on email import | Y |
CRM | 8011 | Added routine to check for duplicate emails while importing into SQLWorks | Y |
PREFS | 8011 | Quotes tab includes additional section to setup trade portal preferences. | |
STK | 8011 | Stock type categories have been added to the stock info tab – you can set an unlimited number of stock types (similar to client types) from the stock extras section, you can then tag each stock item against any number of these from the stock info tab | Y |
STK | 8011 | Tab sequence reordered, minor adjustments to layout | |
SL | 8011 | Order No sequence check now deals with IWT orders | |
STK | 8011 | Added field for “commission percentage” to stock | Y |
SL | 8011 | Added field for “fixed carriage price” to SL accounts, this is for when there is a carriage agreement in place. |
STK | 8011 | Stock items can now link to another stock item that represents the packet or box that contains it. Package items can be chained together. |
SL | 8011 | Corrections to overnight credit control sync logs |
STK | 8011 | System wide unit values are shown in stock tab |
STK | 8011 | Added unit values in account prefs so that system wide units can be set for the values stored for dimensions (W/D/H) volume, weight and density. |
STK | 8011 | Length has been renamed to height so that we now have width+height+depth. Width can be used for length or diameter if needed |
STK | 8011 | Moved dimension and material information from analysis to info tab |
SL | 8011 | Added a preference that determines whether or not accounts will go on hold if there are transactions that are overdue (instead of just exceeding credit limit) |
SALE | 8010 | Allowed reconciling negatives to keep its transaction open so that other data changes can be made before committing the reconciliation. | |
SALE | 8010 | Fixed prepayment nominal journals so that they debit the correct code. |
ALL | 8010 | Corrections to prompt windows that were defaulting to cancel instead of OK |
SALE | 8010 | Adjusted deallocations so that it doesn’t stop a user if the allocation amount is greater than the slh_aloc amount. It will prompt the user to let them know there was an error in the original allocation, but continue with deallocation anyway. | Y |
October 2019
Module | Version | Published Notes | New |
8010 | Forwarded Emails now include attachments | ||
BANK | 8010 | Bank changes now sync correctly with purchase ledger. | |
8010 | New tabs in preferences allow the user to modify default subject/body/from address etc based on email type e.g. statements. | ||
CRM | 8010 | New option to allow company addresses to have a vat code and be made vat exempt. | |
SL | 8010 | New credit control option for overnight sync – thisis manual during the day but recalculated overnight | |
SL | 8010 | SL accounts will now check credit control via a timer and will set the account on hold every night | |
8010 | Added check for unsent mail option to email list | ||
8010 | Added status filter to email browser | ||
PRLIST | 8010 | Added option of loading inactive companies in the company data report. | Y |
September 2019
Module | Version | Published Notes | New |
SL | 8010 |
Reports menu, utilities, Check SL Balances. Once the Check SL Balences method returns a list of errors there are 2 additional buttons (Investigate All and Investigate Selected). These will look through each transaction line by line to check if each transaction has the correct allocation amount and then checks if the variances for each payment are correct. Returns a list of errors. |
Y |
SL | 8010 | Changes to transactions tab-allocations tab-context menu. Additional options include go to transaction (takes you to the transaction selected in the list of allocations), check allocations (runs the same method from ‘Investigate selected’ see above), expand list, export list. | Y |
SL | 8010 | Changes to meta data. Disables stock lookup using ‘contains’. Enabled for Lineal only. | |
PRList | 8009 | Changed the layout and design of the touchpoints filter | |
Stock | 8009 | Fixes to the print sheet option in stock audit when filtering by stock group or supplier | |
SL/PL | 8009 | Fixes required to deallocation process where credit notes were allocated with currency variance amounts | |
SL/PL | 8009 | Corrections to the deallocation process which did not work when variance records also needed to be removed |
August 2019
Module | Version | Published Notes | New |
STK | v8009 | Added stock audit history to stock history tab. | |
SL | v8009 | Fixed New receipt windowso correct payment ref is displayed when selecting payment type in radio group. | |
STK | v8009 | Changes to stock audit ‘print check sheet’ to allow the user to only print records from a particular supplier/stock group. | |
STK | v8009 | Corrections to IWT transfer process from stock movement screen | |
LEADS | v8009 | Leads will update tasks to the new company when converted | |
CRM | v8009 | Fixes to the touch point tab – improved filters, faster loading, bug fixes for fringe load cases | |
PL | V8008 | Fixed payment window so correct payment ref is displayed when selecting payment type in radio group. | |
PL | V8008 | Bug fix to prevent error message during reconciliation. | |
LEADS | V8008 | Bug fix to remember country code selection in the leads window. |
July 2019
Module | Version | Published Details | New |
NOM | V8008 | Holding ALT key and clicking on the red TOGGLE button when entering a new Journal, will reverse all existing lines. Good for reversing a duplicated journal. | Y |
STOCK | V8008 | Added Serial No search button to Stock Toolbar. | Y |
ALL | V8007 | The number of transactions loaded in a Tab window can now be set. For high transaction count accounts, this will speed up the use of SQLWorks for the user. | Y |
VAT | V8008 | Allowed 2 VAT periods to be open. Only the oldest one will search for out of date transactions. | |
SL | V8007 | Fixed the loading of some contracts in the sales ledger. | |
PL | V8007 | Updated incVAT / exVAT buttons on PL order and invoice windows to allow for rounding differences | |
SL | V8007 | Added quick email button for Inv/ord/Statement addresses. | Y |
NOM | V8007 | Fixed double clicking a transaction in the nominal ledger to view it. | |
V8007 | Fixed issues with sending an email from the email window. | ||
BANK | V8007 | Added ability to edit the opening balance on a bank statement for finance admins by right clicking the field. |
June 2019
Module | Version | Published Details | New |
V8007 V8007 |
Added quick email button for Inv/ord/Statement addresses. | Y |
SL | V8007 | New feature to add an Action record to a Sales/Purchase account to record an action taken, eg, spoken about credit limits, promised funds, sent info, etc. Press F4 button to initiate. | Y |
VAT | V8007 | New HMRC fraud headers implemented as per HMRC instructions | Y |
BANK | V8007 |
Rationalised payment/receipt naming type methods, /0=Chq/1=Csh/2=Trn/3=Crd/4=DD/5=BAC/’ |
Y |
VAT | V8007 | MTD tools added to connect prev periods | Y |
Pl | V8007 | Added Analysis to Defaults Tab | Y |
SL | V8007 | Added Analysis to Defaults Tab | Y |
DOC | V8007 | Due to errors with the documents tab that some clients are having being traced to the tree list, this list is now hidden by default. For those who are used to using this, once it is shown it will remember this for the next time it is accessed. | Y |
May 2019
Module | Version | Published Details | New |
STK | 8007 | Nominal, Analysis and dept lookups have been fixed in stock window | |
STK | 8007 | Only members of Profit admin can see cost in simple stock tab | |
SL | 8007 | Added VAT to invoice list in receipt window | |
SL | 8007 | Bank details show correctly in receipt window | |
PL | 8007 | Dashboard tab in PL account window now redraws correctly after entering a payment | |
SALES | 8007 | Added functionality to delivery notes to add new lines to existing delivery notes. | Y |
March & April 2019
Module | Version | Published Details | New |
SoP | 8007 | Added Credit check routine for new SoP orders. Can be over written in sat lib if required. | Y |
CRM | 8007 | Added 2FA for remote access by Contact Link users so they can see their own tasks. | Y |
CORE | 8007 | Added 2FA for remote access by Lineal users. | Y |
VAT | 8007 | Making Tax Digital (MTD) now live for UK clients. | Y |
SL | 8007 | Added ability to select multiple Cust orders and invoice into a single record. | Y |
NL | 8006 | Increased the data held per Asset record. | Y |
NL | 8006 | Added option to each Nominal code to show it in the dashboard. | Y |
PL | 8006 | Added Customs account number for Supplier. | Y |
PL | 8006 | Added supplier ID for barcode prefix on their products. | Y |
PL | 8006 | Added number of days for goods to be in transit from supplier. | Y |
SL | 8006 | Added more options for settlements on debtor receipts. | Y |
CRM | 8007 | Added remote access details for Client access via Browser, inc 2FA. | Y |
February 2019
Module | Version | Published Details | New |
SL | 8006 | New data per customer can be held: Settlement terms are set from Inv date or next month date | Y |
PL | 8006 | New data per supplier can be held: Custom’s No, Manufacturer Bar Code No, Settlement terms | |
COMPANY | 8006 | Remote access can be set by user, with different levels of security. Passwords are randomised, emailed, etc | |
STOCK | 8006 | Stock unit description is now taken from a lookup list | Y |
VAT | 8006 | VAT Edit window now supports monthly, 3 monthly & yearly returns | Y |
STOCK | 8005.96 | New report: Slow Moving Stock. This report identifies stock items that have had a number of transactions under a given threshold in a given timeframe. | |
CRM | 8005.96 | Fix: Improved and fixed ability to export the task list shown in the CRM tab of the Companies section. | |
STOCK | 8005.96 | New report: Stock Margin report displays the margin on each product with price, amount in stock, etc. |
January 2019
Module | Version | Published Details | New? |
SCL | 8006 | When printing the list from the tab, the sort order of the visible tab is preserved. | Y |
DOC | 8006 | Added utilities to clear up space in the database by removing any duplicate files. | Y |
MAIN | 8006 | Added a user preference to set the highlight text colour in the navbar. This preference will only be used on windows installations. | Y |
MAIN | 8006 | Fixed nav bar text visibility when highlighted on windows machines. |
December 2018
Module | Version | Published Details | New? |
SL | 8006 | You can now search invoices for Serial numbers. | Y |
SL | 8006 | Disputed Sales invoices are not taken into consideration for Credit Limit checks. | Y |
SL | 8006 | Disputed sales invoices are now shown in RED. | y |
SL | 8006 | Halted Orders are now shown in RED. | Y |
SL | 8005 | New defaults for SoP override & SoP Full Stop added. Pricing & Discount flag visible. | Y |
SETUP | 8005 | New image file select buttons on Logo tab now support JGP & PNG file types. | Y |
CORE | 8005 | Many headed lists now have an option to Copy to Clipboard, so great for Excel users. Selected lines are just copied. | Y |
November 2018
Module | Version | Published Details | New |
ALL | 8005 | Fixed bugs in various places in the system that would be having issues for users not using either CRM or Accounts. | |
PL&SL | 8005 | When using the search windows for SL & PL, double clicking now opens the whole transaction window. | |
SL | 8005 | Fixes to the allocation process where credit notes were used. | Y |
August / September / October 2018
Module | Version | Published Details | New? |
STK | 8005 | Added Batch ID and Batch Lot Number to batch system allowing tracking of supplier lot numbers. | |
CRM | 8005 | Fixed a bug in which the touchpoints tab was not loading any information in additional tabs for individual CRM sections if these were there. | |
CORE | 8005 | There is now a button to test entered email settings when editing User Prefs. This will let you know if the settings entered are incorrect or if there is another issue. | Y |
SL | 8005 | When applying credit notes to invoices with settlement you can (optionally) reduce the amount of settlement offered on the invoice | Y |
SL | 8005 | Added the ability to reconcile credit notes to invoices while adding a new payment, account credit limit is shown | Y |
July 2018
Module | Version | Published Details | New? |
PR | 8004 | RM Click to open website addresses in Browser or hold ALT, and open within SQLworks | Y |
PR | 8004 | RM click on many email addresses will allow you to email direct from Company/Sales/Purchase paneLs and other places. | Y |
CRM | 8004 | The display of HTML email messages is now handled by Chrome, which is now built into SQLWorks | Y |
CRM | 8004 | Default to PLAIN TEXT for viewing all emails | Y |
PL | 8004 | Bug fixes in consolidations window | |
SL | 8004 | New Payment renamed to New Receipt | |
STK | 8004 | Changes to order processing – when loading records it will now warn if on hold orders were found and not displayed |
June 2018
Module | Version | Published Details | New? |
PL | 8003 | Added Export of PLINV & accounting email addresses | Y |
SL | 8003 | Added Export of SLINV & accounting email addresses | Y |
PRList | 8003 | Touchpoint filters are now multi-select, allowing any number of data types to be shown or hidden. | |
CRM | 8003 | Added ‘follow up’ task functionality, automatically filling in all appropriate details and storing an internal link. | |
CRM | 8003 | Added support for deadlines, helping prioritise tasks and flagging overdue tasks | |
CRM | 8003 | Added icons for high priority and overdue tasks in the task list. Improved sorting, window design. | |
CRM | 8003 | New task preference to send emails when a task is added or updated for another user. |
May 2018
Module | Version | Published Details | New? |
8002 | Now support HTML signatures on email send | Y | |
CRM | 8002 | New letters option for MS Word style document creation with client list integration | Y |
SYS | 8002 | SL Account graphs now redraw automatically on change | Y |
SYS | 8002 | Fixes to toolbar window layout | Y |
April 2018
Module | Version | Published Details | New? |
SYS | 8002 | Able to set each user to run the backup process on Quit. | Y |
SYS | 8002 | Prompt for backup when users logoff if backup is overdue | Y |
SYS | 8002 | First time installations of SQLWorks v8 will prompt for startupsettings.txt details at $SignIn window. | Y |
VAT | 8002 | Fixed loading of PTY & NLT when loading transactions | |
CSH | 8002 | Added selected line sub total in Transaction Tab, as per GL screen | |
BNK | 8002 | Added selected line sub total in Transaction Tab, as per GL screen | |
BNK | 8002 | Added search bar to Bank transactions tab | Y |
NL | 8002 | Added a filter to Search Bar. Select by Nominal anlaysis type for P&L, BS, etc. | |
NL | 8002 | Dashboard quicker to startup. Added refresh button for Current Data Tab. | |
NL | 8002 | Nominal screen users can enable tabs and the connected group box of data | |
NL | 8002 | Nominal account screen now has a graph to show Actual vs budget | |
SL | 8002 | Monthly Sales Analysis report is renamed to Sales Period Analysis, minor tweaks for useabilty |
March 2018
Module | Version | Published Details | New? |
PL | 8002 | Added ability to amend delivery due date on a PO line item | |
PL/SL | 8002 | Repricing transaction lines will no longer clear prices for non-stock items | |
PL/SL | 8002 | Preview transaction on screen no longer permits printing or export | |
BNK | 8002 | Added comparison tool in Bank to compare bank entries with nominal audit by month | Y |
SL | 8002 | Improvements to disbursement system when being saved as halted invoices | |
NOM | 8002 | Year locking, auditing and appropriation are recorded in audit log | |
STK | 8002 | Added audit log tracking when doing stock imports | |
SL | 8002 | Changes to transaction import that now allow column matching by number, by generic column names or by actual SQLWorks column names | Y |
SL | 8002 | Automatic credit control changes will also set orders on/off hold (if on hold status was not manually locked) | |
STK | 8001 | All Stock header tabs have been redesigned with emphasis on grouping of financial & order processing info | |
SL | 8001 | Removed Contract Status message that appears for every new contract | |
BANK | 8001 | Bug fix in petty transfer |
February 2018
January 2018
December 2017
November 2017
October 2017
September 2017
August 2017
July 2017
June 2017
May 2017
April 2017