Did you know? SQLWorks Cloud Link

SQLWorks includes a useful ‘drag and drop’ facility for saving documents against projects, sales leads, accounting records and more.

If your organisation stores files in a cloud storage app, SQLWorks can be integrated directly to view these folders in your ‘Documents’ tab, and files can be dragged and dropped into SQLWorks directly from the cloud.

This option can be set up from the main Navigation bar via Preferences > User Preferences > (User) > and by clicking the Setup Tab. By saving the file-path of your cloud app’s desktop folder into the ‘Remote/ Cloud Folder Path’ field, and clicking ‘Save & Close’, a SQLWorks user’s document tree will automatically default to view the chosen file location.

sqlworks cloud link filepath

As long as your cloud app on your PC/Mac is able to sync to the cloud, SQLWorks will be able to make most up-to-date version of your synced files available for drag and drop.

document management

This can be a useful way to make documents collected during fieldwork (eg: photographs) available to a main office – syncing direct from a smartphone, via your cloud app of choice, to be dragged and dropped against projects in SQLWorks.

Options include Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Apple iCloud and Dropbox, as well as many other cloud file storage applications with a read/write access ‘desktop folder’ style client. (If you’re using a lesser-known cloud storage service with SQLWorks cloud link – we’d like to hear about it!)

This tool can also be used with a valid filepath to a location on a traditional on-premise server, and may be useful for businesses with very complex file structures, to help users automatically find the file location they would normally use for managing documents.

SQLWorks cloud link helps leverage all the flexibility of your favourite cloud app, to gather important files into your CRM, accounting and stock control system.

For additional support and assistance, please contact our SQLWorks team today.

Introduction to Document Management

SQLWorks includes Document management capabilities to allow each user to save documents into the system for extra convenience.

Files from the user’s device can be added from the user’s device, or any file location the user’s Windows/Mac device has access to (with modify/write permissions).

To save a new file into SQLWorks, look for any window which includes a ‘Documents’ or ‘CRM’ tab. Files may be dragged into the files list (a large white space) from the Windows/Mac operating system (eg: off the desktop) or from the small file tree viewer in the bottom right of the SQLWorks window.

document management

The Document Management save window opens to confirm the details of the file – here files can be categorised using any pre-established Document Analysis types and given a description. Clicking ‘Save & Close’ will save the new document into the list, represented by a new thumbnail showing the file-type if known.

Right click on any saved document to open the original file or perform further functions with it.

document management

The new attachment is stored with a database link to the area of SQLWorks it has been saved against – files can be linked to company records, financial order or transactions (eg: sales or purchase orders), sales leads, projects and many other areas of the platform, to be more easily found by other users.

Typical document management uses include:

  • Adding documents, presentations or images to a project file.
  • Saving purchase orders from a customer against a new SQLWorks sales order.
  • Archiving product designs or specifications against stock items.

For CRM expertise and assistance, contact the SQLWorks team today.